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Pics From The Aug. 12th Swizzle Show @ Metro

As you can see, my boyfriend has no idea how to take pictures. So this is me laughing at him as Augie gives me his digits ; ) lol

Again, my boyfriend is lacking in the photo department... this is me and the boyz at an Epsin12 show. rowrrr. ;)

Here is me and Jason at the Dog and Everything show up at the Metro. :) fun times

Here are the guys of Lucky Boys Confusion with my friend Drew. This was at the Tower Records show on May 12th.

Here are the guys from East End. Going clockwise from top rite is Joel, Salil, and Nick.

Here is Drew with the leaad singer Jason from PATL.

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*Thanks to Drew, my awesome friend from Oak Park. He provided me with plenty of great pictures to put up on my site, so please, don't take them as they arent' even mine. Thank you muchly!!*

Updated: 02/02/02