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Full Range (2/24/02)


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Local Scene Reviews

Full Range (2/24/02)

Full Range had an awesome show at Riley's Rockhouse (Rockhouse USA) despite the delay in starting their set. They kicked the show off with "Can't Hold Back" and got the crowd into a great mood with their catchy rhymes and melodies. Next up was "Walking Backwards", which drew more and more people into their performance. "Don't Wait" offered some comedy as a random duck (hee hee) managed to de-pants Vito as he rocked on the bass. As the band played through "Midnight Solace", "Down Girl", and "505", their stage presence only got stronger and more entertaining. As the venue tried to cut them off after "505", they stood up and demanded they get to play their last song (hell yeah!) They wrapped it all up with "Secret", an awesome finish to an energy-filled show.