--> About Ashleigh<--

- Biography -

I'm Ashleigh Kaye Taylor, I was born on January 27th, 1983 to my awesome parents Lucas & Beverly. I was born in Toronto, Canada where I lived until I was 14. After that my family & I moved to various places in the U.S. before finally settling down in Sarasota, Florida. Where we have lived for about 2 years now.

I grew up in Toronto in a nice & friendly community. On my block, everyone was friends with everyone. I lived a very sheltered life for the first 14 years of my life. I had gone to a private all girls school there, and It was only until we starting moving that I finally got a look at the real world.

I have grown up with a love for music, animals, children and acting. I have 6 pets myself, 4 puppies and 2 kitties. 2 pups are only 8 weeks old, and the other two are 5 months & 8 months old. I have one pug named Pugsley, a jack russell terrier named Wishbone, a golden retreiever named Milo, and a golden lab named Duncan. Both of my kitties are one year old's, and they are calicos. They're names are Skittles and Jellybean.

My father is a radiologist, which is actually a pretty interesting job. And my mother is a Pediatrician. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister. As for my brother's there's Tristan who is 16 years old, We get along but he's a wannabe pimp *lol*. He has a new girlfriend everyday, and they are definetly a pain in the ass. Then there is Jordan who is 20, he's the best brother ever. When I was a little girl he would always play with me, and give me great advice. The only problem is, everytime I have a new boyfriend he basically interoggates them and that scares them away *lol* Oh well, I'm stuck with him! Last but definetly not least there is Hunter, he is only 5 years old, he's really cute. But he's picking up some, um, *words* from Tristan, hehe. Then there is my sis, her name is Amber and she's 14, she's pretty cool....sometimes. Except when I have my friends over she always wants to come out with us. And she basically has crushes on all my guy friends, and boyfriends. But I love my family! =o)

I've been to many places in the world..from Australia and the UK to Africa and Russia. I love travelling to places like that, and hopefully in a year or two I will travel by myself around the world. I think It would definetly be an experience.

I'm having a great time here in Florida, I plan to go to FSU (Florida State University) next year. I just love the idea of dorms =o) is it just me? Anyways, I have great friends here. And there is so much to do. From going to the beach to spending a few days at the infamous Disney World.

I can be kind of a quiet gal, if I don't know someone very well or if It's someone I happen to like it, I am shy and quiet. But if I'm around my close friends, or just someone who is comfortable to be around then I can get pretty wild, but I'm still not really a *loud* person. I like to keep to myself. Doesn't mean I don't like to have fun though =o) I think I'm pretty open-minded and friendly towards people. At least that's what my friends say! My friends say I'm a good friend, and so are they =o)

I love volunteering at animal hospitals, children's hospitals, humane societys, retirement homes and I like to help the homeless & starving children. I am so grateful for being blessed with the friends and family, and chance at life that I have. That, I think it's really important to give to other people who don't have that much like the homeless. And remember animals are just as important as people! The elderly in retirement homes are so kind and friendly, life there can get really boring and they are so grateful when people come to visit them! It's pretty fun too =o)

Everyone please visit www.thehungersite.com everytime someone goes there they give a full meal so a starving child. Please go there at least everyday, and tell all your friends about it! It really makes a difference for someone =o)

Thanks for reading my Biography!!

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