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band journal




The Far From Quiet Saga...

Part 1

     A long time ago in a high school far far away, there lived three idiots with no muscical experience. One day these idiots decieded to start a rock band. The three cunning morons realized that they needed someone with musical talent, so they suckered in a guitar-playing African lady named Shavon. They convinced her to join the band by tricking her into dating the bass player, Tony (who ironically never played a bass before). Soon enough the other two idiots decided to pick up instruments of their own. Gary was an experienced jaw harp player, and one time he touched a hobo's guitar in New York, so it was only common sense to make him the lead guitarst/lead singer of the untitled rock band. Geoff once received a detention for tapping on the desk, adding that to his constant skin flute playing, Goeff was a natural for the drums. Since all the members slept in cardboard boxes they had no place to practice, and were forced to rent studio space for reheresal time in a place called RVP Studios.

     They started to make music....

     Unfortunatley the first song sounded like a guitar riff being drowned out by static and low bass off key rumbling, with a random snare being placed among an unnecessarily large amount of cymbals. Things were going well for the four piece band, until the three idiots could no longer control their unrelenting urge to be stupid. The three wrote a song about the sexual uses of fried chicken...(no more needs to be said).

     Tragedy struck the band, Shavon could no longer handle the lack of intelligence and left for a circus performing act cleaning the lion cages, leaving the band as a three piece.

     The departure of Shavon hit the band like a brick, Gary's jaw was broken for three weeks...

     The band, refusing to take on another guitarist because they hate people, remained a three piece. Together the three wrote a series of serious, but sloppy tunes, and played a few shows on their own, getting nearly castrated at every show by angry fans. On the bright side they were at the playing abilitly of an 8th grade punk band.

     Shavon, left the circus act after losing her right leg to a hungry lion (it has since grown back). Shavon, seeing the band's refound abilty, rejoined the band, on the one condition that the bass player, Tony, become her permanent bitch. The band now faces the daunting task of rewriting the new tunes to include a second guitarist...

     Check in as the saga continues...



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