Okay, okay! So the kids aren't babies anymore but to Peter, Mike, Micky & David they are most likely still their babies regardless of how old they are.
Those of you who have been following The Monkees career since the beginning will probably remember when Christian was just a little baby at the beginning of their show (wasn't he cute..??). Or how Jonathan, Jason and Talia were all born in the same year (1968); or how Ami came along shortly-there-after (January 1969) to complete the cycle of the 60's flower children!
Maybe you were a 2nd generation fan from the 70's and learned about Christian, Jonathan, Jason & Jessica (Nesmith); Talia & Sarah (Jones); Ami (Dolenz); Hallie & even Ivan (Thorkelson).
But if you weren't around in the 1st & 2nd generation and joined in on the fun during the 80's like I did, you may have quickly learned about the ones born in the 60's & 70's and soon learned about the new additions like Jessica (Jones), Charlotte, Emily & Georgia (Dolenz). And then came the last Monkees child to be born in the 80's; her name..? I'll let you guess! You think you know..?? Really..?? C'mon, you take a stab at it! All right, if you insist I stop playing guessing games, I'll give you her name. It's...it's....(Drum roll please as Krista takes the name out of the envelope) "Annabel Charlotte Jones; born June 26th, 1988"
Wow! It's so hard to believe that the Monkees kids have now grown up into adults and that Annabel will be 14 years old this coming June! Who would have thought time would fly by that fast? I know that their dads didn't.
The chapter doesn't close there. We know that they will probably get married some day (a couple of them already are to my knowledge)** and that they will have kids of their own. Can you imagine what they will tell their children as they grow about the famous Monkees?
What do you think the Monkees children will tell their children about their grandfathers? I'm interested to know some of your thoughts and I will post them along with your e-mail addresses. If you do not wish for your e-mail to be posted, I will just put your name or screen name up.
If you became a fan in the 90's, 2000, 2001 or 2002 you may have already learned about these Monkee Babies. If not, stick around to this site and we will bring you information on them as soon as they become available. If you have any questions about them, please feel free to e-mail Ann or myself and we will answer them to the best of our ability.
Thanks for tuning into Monkee Babies and come back to this particular page soon for possible pictures and updates.