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Frame Updates

The Phenomenon himself DeeJay Thomas announced today that he is severing all ties with music. No reasons were given but he does wish his boys in Frame the best of luck and will be there to support them every step of the way. Nothing has been said about this by the rest of the band at this time.

Frame is still gearing up for the studio working hard on the music to give as close to perfect as a release they can. As of Saturday Dwayne Parkey became the new drummer replacing David Lester who now resides in Ohio. The band will miss David but understands the reasons and supports him 100%. Look for new pics and other junk to be added to the site around the beginning of next week and also be watching for the announcements of shows as Frame will be playing out everywhere in the new year.

Frame is currently inquiring with MiaH of the Soundlair on setting up studio time to record their first demo entitled Sincere Regards. The songs selected to appear on the demo aren't being released at this time but will be released soon enough. The band is shooting for a late January release so keep checking for more news.

Today is the official release of The Frame Zone, the official website of the band Frame. It has taken a while to get this site together and on the net and the band apologizes for the inconvienance. Now with the release of the Frame Zone, you can check out lyrics, learn more about the band and the members of the band, and so much more. Also there has been a change in some of the merchandise so be sure to check all that out as well.

After careful planning and a strenuous band meeting, Frame has decided to announce several upcoming plans. First, the band is going to release a three song demo including Bitter Lullaby, Me, and the acoustic version of Bitter Lullaby. Second on the upcoming plans list is an acoustic set live on the air in Knoxville, TN on 94.1 WUTK radio. If you want to listen to this when it happens just e-mail the band and you'll receive and e-mail on how you can listen on-line if you cannot pick-up the station on your radio. The third and final plan is hitting the studio to record a full length album containing ten to twelve songs. Several live shows are in the works so keep checking the site for details.

The search is officially over, Frame has finally found a solid drummer that fits in well with the whole mix of the band. Andy's cousin David Lester has been added on drums allowing DeeJay to go back to vocals and writing guitar riffs. Now that the Frame line-up is together and solid the band can finally get tight as a whole and get their music out to the public.

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