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The Story Behind The Band

The story behind the band Frame is kinda simple as well as complicated. The idea and desire to be a band has always been a strong one but the ability to get the right members and make the connection hasn't been so easy. The complications the band faced over and over was very discouraging but they let their love of music and drive to make music override the problems and were able to battle through the drama.

The idea of Frame came together when three friends Andy Cockrum, Josh, and Dave Fultz just decided that they wanted to form a band. Andy and Josh both being guitarists and planning to teach Dave the bass filled up a big spot but left the need of a drummer and a vocalist. Time went by and the three became associated with DeeJay Thomas, someone with previous band experience and talent in several areas. Through trials of several drummers over time DeeJay was at the point of deciding to play drums when Andy's cousin David Lester stepped into the picture leaving DeeJay with the opportunity to stay behind the mic and continue helping with the writing of guitar riffs. Now with Frame as a whole the band can focus on writing its music together and preparing for shows and other music related events.

The theory behind the style of Frame is a unique one. Each member brings their own individual styles and tastes to the table when writing music. One of DeeJay's pet peeves is lyrics. He cannot stand pointless lyrics with no meaning so he strives to pour his heart out into his music so that people can know what he is thinking or feeling and maybe even relate to certain things he may be dipping into. The band as a whole agrees that music has went to crap over the last several years. In the early 90's when Soundgarden, STP, Nirvana, and Alice in Chains changed the face of music you would get chills when you heard their songs and you had that feeling. Frame wants to bring back some of the goodness to music, bring back those feelings when music was alive and not the same crap you hear today.

So now that you know the background of what Frame is and what it stands for maybe you'll have a better understanding as to what drives these musicians to make music and to be who they are.

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