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1. Green Day Interview for Sessions @ AOL
1. Recorded on 20th September 2004
1. Length: 5minutes 40seconds

BJ: Hi you're on AOL music, I'm Billie Joe
TC: Tre Cool
MD: and Mike Dirnt
BJ: and we are the Green Day trio

"AOL member Jdmaster500 wanted to know…What inspired you to write a punk rock opera for your new release?"

MD: I don't know what inspired us to write this conceptual punk rock opera thing…monster that we created…
BJ: One day Mike was at the studio by himself and he wrote a…a 30 second song and it had a sort of a B- (????) real kind of bombastic kind of flare to it. I liked it and I wanted to do one too, so the one that I did I connected to his and then Tre did one and he connected it to mine and just so on and so on…until we had about ten minutes, and it was just purely out of having a good time and just like you know lets screw it and lets do like a punk rock opera
MD: Kinda like a musical hot potato if you know what I mean…

BJ: "American Idiot" came from just watching news channels like Fox, CNN, MS NBC…during when the war first started there was like these Heraldo type of journalists that were travelling around in tanks with the military going into Baghdad and reality television were kind of coming together at the same time and which was confusing and kind of terrifying and then you get all the commercials that are in between so…,it kind of came from that really just trying to find your individuality in all of the confusion. It's sort of up for anyone's interpretation of who the American Idiot is. It could be me…could be…the President of the United States.

"AOL member Torrentialdownpour wanted to know…What do you think about the state of music in America?"

TC: I think that people really miss like guitar-based rock and roll…rock operas especially.
MD: A lot of bands out there have the ability to really challenge themselves but for whatever reason, maybe they're playing it safe right now, maybe some people are afraid of having opinions, or just take a stance in any direction.

"AOL member Cdancer27 wanted to know…how do you feel about making "punk rock" music at your age?"

BJ: I think we always pride ourselves as being a punk band no matter what. It's become sort of a main source of our education and inspiration but you know one thing that's really important for us is to keep growing as individuals and musicians.

"AOL member Dianasepul wanted to know…tell us your secret for being together so long, the good and the bad?"

TC: We've been together, uh when did you guys meet each other?
BJ & MD: …10 years old
TC: When they were 10 years old…and
MD: 26 now…
TC: We've never beaten the dish out of each other and the sex is still good…
MD: What's good about these guys is that there's nobody on this planet that I can play with to this calibre, um what's bad is that I'm always at band practice early because I wanna start playing and they're always like 5 minutes late…
TC: 5…you give me too much credit!

"AOL member Ygreentint23 wanted to know…what's the craziest thing you've ever done as a teenager or an adult?"

MD: One of the craziest things I've ever witnessed Billie Joe do was we had a limousine pick us up at our hotel and the guy didn't have the directions so the driver got out, went in for directions and Billie dove into the front seat and stole the vehicle. And we were probably gone I don't know 25 minutes or so before another vehicle chased up behind us and pulled us over and he was steaming it was hilarious…
BJ: And then, uh one time, one of the craziest things that's ever happened to us was we slept in a house in Copenhagen, and this guy pulled out a, like a formaldehyde jar about knee-high…and it had a human head in it
MD: Yeah…I slept right next to him, woke up…
TC: We called him 'Sleepy'…
BJ: Stolen from a laboratory…

BJ: Best advice or best motto: "It's better to regret something you have done than something you haven't done".
MD: Along time ago it used to be: "If you're gonna do something wrong do it right". and I think nowadays it's: "Fear of failure is kinda the biggest impedance of success"
TC: And: "Always destroy other bands' hotel rooms"

INTERVIEWER: Now we're gonna put you on the spot…

Morning or night?

BJ: Night

Driver or passenger?

MD: Driver

Free Michael or free Martha?

MD: Michael

Elvis Presley or Johnny Cash?

BJ: Elvis Presley
TC: It's tight…it's close…

Stones or Beatles?

TC: Beatles
BJ: Beatles

Scarface or Goodfellows?

BJ: Goodfellows
TC: Yeah…
MD: Goodfellows…

Jessica or Ashley? (Simpson)

BJ: Well we just met Ashley so…Ashley
TC: Yeah Ashley

Party like it's your birthday or party like it's 1999?

MD: Party like a rock star
BJ: Party like it's 1999

Romantic night in or wild night out?

TC: Romantic night out…
BJ: Wild night in…

Shake your tailfeather or shake it like a polaroid picture?

TC: Polaroid picture
BJ: Polaroid picture

Tackle or touch?

TC: Touch…
MD: Tackle...
BJ: Flag…

Boxers or briefs?

BJ: None of the above…
MD: (???)Sam's…

Nude or pyjamas?

TC: Nude…
BJ: Nude

Bush or Kerry?

TC: Kerry
BJ: Kerry

- The End -

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