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Keanon P. Battiste

Born in New Orleans, La, Keanon Battiste attained an interest for music at a very young age. Keanon began on the Panio at age 3, moved to trumpet, clarinet, and saxophone in elementary, and finally settled on the trombone and tuba in the 7th grade. After realizing his potential, Keanon began playing with the Eleanor McMain Marching Band (New Orleans, La) from that point on, his music life was forever changed. Later he would begin playing in the school's Concert Band, and Wind Ensemble. The bands were directed by Mr. Brian K. Washington.

Later, during his 8th grade year at McMain, he was introduced to jazz under the direction of Mr. Brice A. Miller, who would later help open doors for Keanon. During his 8th and 9th grade year he began to appreciate jazz even more. After leaving McMain after the 9th grade, he finished at Warren Easton High School (New Orleans, La) where he remainded under the guidence of his jazz director.

In Feburary 2003, he decided to start his own band, the "All For One Brass Band." When first starting his band, he was also a member of the "Mahogany Brass Band" under the leadership of his old jazz director.

After starting his own band, and playing for another, he also created his own production company "BigKeanon Music Productions" that provides New Orleans style entertainment , producing, DJ, Beats, and more

Keanon has also have had the pleasure of playing with the; "Nu Groove Brass Band," "The Real Untouchables," "New Era Brass Band," "Showtime Brass Band," "Lil Stooges Brass Band," "Xavier University Concert Band," "Louyla Symphonic Band," and a few Jazz Combo's. Keanon has had oppurtunities to play in festivals, traveling to Georgia, North Carolina, New York, Flordia, Turkey, and Finnland, Canada, Germany, Cophengan and more.

Wrapping up he would like to think all band directors that have helped him along the way, family members that had to listen to long hours of practice, all second line organizations in New Orleans, friends that supported him and showed up to all of his performances, Warren Easton, which was the reason for him starting his band, McMain, which was where he realized the potential he have, WWOZ, Brice Miller, Brian Washington, to whom he owe all his musical accomplishments to, the All For One Brass Band Family, Tipitina's, Bill Taylor, Michael Bruce, friend's and family, and GOD.


Some Of My Band Arrangements
Pictures MIDI Performance DatesBigKeanon Music ProductionsLinks