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Dre is a simple minded fellow who's talent surpasses his common sense by more than you'd believe.  He is the voice of the band (in more ways than one), along with being the original lead guitarist.  He just might be the biggest wanna-be professional in this band.  He's a bit edgy when things go bad with the band...we found this out after finding him chewing on a cat when the news was broken to us about losing a guitar cable.

Mike is a very talented young individual.  He's been playing guitar for about six years, and his skills are a perfect example of his time with music.  This young man, although, has a flaw...he is addicted to the sticks of cancer.  So, if you see this man, you give him a smoke.  Also, ladies, this man is single, so if you see him, you give him a hand, if you know what I mean...
Heh heh...

Joel is what any normal person would call...weird.  He's been playing bass for a very little time, and he has shown us great skill.  He's extremely quiet except after he's been bakin' for a while.  So, if you want to talk to this young man, you better make sure he's out of his mind baked...then, you just might learn a few things about him that no one else knows...like how he's had homosexual tendencies with one of the high school janitors.

David...the soul inspiration of the band.  Before he came along...the band consisted of lame ass punk songs and beats you would never think to hear...even in Madera.  Just ridiculous...but he sharpened our senses to music and gave us all we needed to start sounding good.  He is also VERY VERY TALL...six...something.  The original idea for his bio was to grab a picture of a yeti or Big Foot off of the internet and describe him as misunderstood, but that idea faded when we realized he was Big Foot.