0:55 A.M.
Music News : As it turns our Harper didn't leave Dawn, it was all a sham, DAMN YOU HARPER makin' me write all that crap, I OUGTA STICK SUM METAL UP UR ASS !!! anyway, alls well that ends well.
It has also just come to my attention that big Paul Sampson has started up his own band, it doesn't deserve a name or a link just yet, but i'm sure he'll earn one over time, it's just quite funny
Site News : A got me the new computer on Christmas Eve, i haven't set it up yet though, and Broadband will be connected on January 8, so the new site will be postponed till after the new year, ah well.
As you can see there is colours here, explain. Well, for me, i'ts bloomin' annoying updating pages seperatly, and the sites like an old maze, and many pages aren't being updated when they need it. So as an experiment, i'm compressing most of the writing on the main page to see what it's like, as i will likely use it for the new site.
And, since i'm sure you are all bored of me, i'm gonna make sure other band members get their respective say on the new site.
Band news : We practiced in Barnes' garage yesterday, and mussed about with Jonnys new multi-FX wah-pedal thingy which was nice.
We did Stairway to Heaven, Master of Puppets, Ride the Lightning, and For Whom the Bells tolls, which need some brightening up, which will be done on either Sunday or Monday.
Music News : Firstly, an Announcement about local band 'Dawn'. According to their website, Lead Guitarist Harper has left in favour of another band. This is a blow to the band, and the local music scene in general, but, hopefully both can recover and move onto bigger and better things.
On a lighter note, that fella Jonny McClure persuaded me to but a Megadeth album, so i got 'Countdown to Extinction' i haven't listened to it fully yet.
I also got the Metallica - Master of Puppets ablum, it's alright, although we here at LSD Lucy prefer the Orchestral version.
General News : In case you aren't already, you MUST watch "The Office" on BBC2 around 11:30 every night, it is very very very funny, and also other general comedy, It's good for the Soul !
I got a job a couple of weeks ago, worked 2 shifts, and haven't been given any hours since two weeks ago, i wonder if i still work there ?
WOW, what an update ! It'll teach me not to leave everything for so long. Speaking of so long, SO LONG !