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Other Women From th 60's I Admire

Here are some more of my favorite 60's fashion/personality icons!

Jane Asher

Jane Asher is probably best known as the first ever fiance' of Beatle Paul McCartney. She, much like Patti, was the muse for many amazing Beatle songs like "And I Love Her", "For No One", "Good Day Sunshine", "Things We've Said Today", and so many more written by Paul. Paul and Jane almost made it to the alter, but who knows really what happened. Jane had an acting career (she can seen in a great role in the 60's hit "Alfie" with Michael Caine) and didn't want to give that up to live in Paul's shadow. Plus, the two grew and changed throughout their long relationship. Jane went on to continue to act and now owns a successful bakery in England which specializes in fancy cakes, and Paul went on to marry the wonderful Linda Eastman and form the group, Wings.

Michelle Phillips

I once got asked at a bank that I worked at if I knew who the Mamas and the Papas were because I reminded the person of Michelle Phillips, maybe it was the hair, I don't know, anyway, Michelle was a member of the 60's group, The Mamas and the Papas. Michelle was married to Papa John Phillips, and had a 60's affair with Papa Denny Dougherty, whom Mama Cass loved dearly. This was one of the factors of breaking up the group, but Michelle has such a heartfelt account of the stupidity of youth in her autobiography, you almost feel for Michelle in the situation too. The love triangle in the group can be heard lyricised in the Mamas and Papas song, "I Saw Her Again", and Michelle is also the topic of many more Mamas and Papas songs. Anyway, Michelle and John were married for most of the 60's and into the 70's and had one daughter, Chyna Phillips (who ended up forming the group Wilson Phillips in the 90's) and Michelle herself went on to a successful acting career.) Regardless of Michelle's behavior in the 60's, she is still a beautiful icon of the time and has one of the purest soprano voices of all time.

Michelle and daughter Chyna

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