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More Women From the 60's

Diana Rigg

Just watching "The Avengers" re-runs on BBC America, I fell in love with Diana Rigg's wardrobe! She had the best clothes ever! Her style was so cool, and the whole attitude of the show was fantastic. 60's cool, but smooth and suave and kicking butt. Every time I put on a my red pea-coat, I feel a little Emma Peel meself! Anyway, Diana went on to a very successful acting career after "The Avengers", staring in the tv series, "Mystery!" and even in a movie I watched a million times as a kid, "The Great Muppet Caper" as Lady Holiday!

Linda McCartney

Linda's story was so great, the actually made it into a "made for TV" movie. It was a decent movie, but Linda's life was far greater than any movie could have depicted. She was a photographer in New York when she got an assignment to take pictures of the Beatles for the unveiling of the Sgt. Pepper album in 1967. Later that night, at an after party at a club, Paul noticed Linda again and their eyes met and as Paul says, "That was it." This photograph appeared in the London Daily the next day...

"Beatle and mystery girl", of course, the English press were dismayed that Paul was away from adorable Jane, but Paul and Linda didn't really meet up again for a couple of years. She ended up moving to England to live with Paul and when the press and fans found out that they were together, they were extremely cruel to Linda. Not being as "fashionable" as other birds that Paul dated, she was made fun of quite a bit, and Paul even said that someone painted "Go Home Ugly American Bitch" on the side of his house. She endured, however, and was Paul's inspiration for many of his later songs such as, "I Will". Paul managed to convince Linda to join a group he was forming after the Beatles, and Wings was formed. Linda and Paul, throughout the course of their marriage, released many albums with Wings and took the entire family, kids and dogs included, on the road touring. They never spent a night apart, well, except when Paul was arrested in Japan for having pot...yeah, it's an interesting story.
Anyway, Linda is an admirable person. She picked Paul up and got him to love his music again after the Beatles broke up. She was strong enough to tell him what he didn't want to hear. She was an animal rights activist who was happiest riding her horses. She was an amazing photographer and mother. Linda died in the mid-ninties from cancer. Paul and Linda's marriage was one of the few in rock 'n roll history that actually lasted. Linda had so much strength and courage and is to be admired for that and more.

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