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Nico is someone I had to do some research on. I kept getting messages on myspace from fellow 60's fans telling me that I looked like a mix between Patti Boyd and Nico. I thought, "Who the heck is Nico?"

I did some research and discovered that she started as a model in the 60's from Sweden (I believe) and then went on to the states where she found her niche' in the art culture there.

Artist Andy Worhol used her as a muse and had her front the rock band he was supporting, the legendary Velevet Underground (!). She made one album with the underground, "The Velvet Underground and Nico". Her heavily accented, throaty vocals are an acquired taste, but they bring light and dark into each piece where required. My personal favorites are "Femme Fatal", "I'll Be Your Mirror" and "All Tomorrow's Parties".

Nico lived a fairly tragic life. She abused alcohol and drugs until her dying day in the 80's. Nico also had a tendancy to fall for the wrong men, even dying her hair red to please the Door's Jim Morrison when she heard he preferred red-heads.

It's a sad story, but a reminder that even people who seemingly have everything can have such terrible problems and conflects.

The film, "Nico: Icon" has reached great popularity in the art world, causing many to wonder what she could have achived if she had overcome her demons.

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