The opening track on Mudvayne's L.D. 50, is titled "Monolith," after the alien artifact at the heart of Stanley Kubrick's classic 2001: A Space Odyssey.
"The overall theme of the album reflects and embodies ideas about the evolution of consciousness, transformation, and the risks involved in experimenting with things that can change a person's point of view, internally and externally," says drummer sPaG. "And the monolith in Kubrick's film was also a representation of that."
"There were songs I left alone and didn't mess with until we were in the studio, which was not a smart idea considering the time and budget constraints we were under. I wrote 'Pharmaecopia' and 'Nothing To Gein' on our last night in the studio, before the tapes were sent to New York to be mixed. The pres-sure was insane."
The song 'Nothing to Gein' is about Ed Gein. He was a seriel killer in the fifties who killed 15 women including his own mother and stored their bodies in a Wisconsin farm.
Blame mother for the sickness