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-World Gone Wrong-

Ya wanna know what I think of this world? I think its coming to an end. Everyone's too lazy to defend, to impatient to mend. This world is coming to a painful f***in end. Sometimes when you take time to look, its not like its written in any story book, its all gonna end. No one can stop it, its out of control, there is no goal, the end is near, its nothing to fear cause its gonna happen to us all, they'll watch us falldown to the ground. They'll pound you down, pound you to the ground without a sound. Its all gonna end. The world's gone wrong. I just can't beleive it, I should have f***in seen it, it was happening all along, the world's gone wrong. Why? Why do we live this way? in a world of decay. This major crossover from the golden age to a world of rage. This is just a seige inside a cage, this is just a world gone wrong.