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Meet the girls in charge of this web site:

Krystal, Nate and Katie
Before we get to introductions..I need to explain the above picture. Perhaps some of you have wondered how it is that Krystal and I have been able to get Nate to answer all those questions posted here...well, our secret weapon is to basically lock him up behind bars so to speak..makes the interview go a lot easier! LOL...actually, this picture is from the infamous Louisville show and yes...we only got to talk to Nate through the bars :(. I do not know why Nate decided to make this rather "odd" looking face...but that would be Nate for you!! Krystal and I are hoping to get to another show and take another photo with Nate (minus the bars!!). :)

Meet Katie:
**Age: 34 (and officially a member of The Calling's Older Female Fan Society!)
**Where do you live (just city and state): McLean, Virginia a.k.a. suburbia!!
**When did you become a fan of The Calling: When I saw them open for Lifehouse in November 2001
**When did you become a Nate fan: Started at the Lifehouse show..but the Fairfax show in December really finalized it for me.
**Other than The Calling..what interests do you have: I love writing poetry, going to the local parks, playing drums (which I'm not that great at...stupid bass pedal doesn't want to work with my foot ), playing with my cats (Tigger Stigmatized Cling and Habenaro Unstoppable Clatter), doing puzzles of all kinds and meeting up with all my friends for socials

Meet Krystal:
**Age: 17
**Where do you live (just city and state): Albion,Indiana
**When did you become a fan of The Calling: I have been a fan ever since I heard "Wherever You Will Go" on Coyote Ugly.
**When did you become a Nate fan: When Tc first came out I had thought Nate was cute, But it wasn't until Feb 2002 that I hooked on Nate. It was when I first seen them live.
**Other than The Calling..what interests do you have: I like to play Softball, I love anything with music, I love to travel, and go to concerts.
