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Quotes About Nate

Quote 1 Link
Quotes 2-12 Link (under tour diary)
Quotes 13-15 Link

Do you have any quotes about Nate from the web or any magazines?? Email the quote and related information and I will post it on this site!!

Quote 1: "Also at a local session in burbank I heard this guy named Jimmy Paxon who was incredibly musical and had chops for days (i HEARD HE RECENTLY REPLACED GARY W/ ALANIS ! small world ) and then was blown out at the baked potato by a young drummer called nate wood who was like 19 or 20 and had some serious chops that would put a fire under virgils ass!"-fuzoid(3/15/00 11:34:57 am) **Awwww..Nate at 19!! Amazingly talented at such a young age**

Quote 2: "Every time I'd look back at Nate his seat and his drums were falling off the back of the stage which was pretty funny because it looked like he was a lazy low rider drummer slouching back."-Alex's tour diary from dated 3/21/02, talking about Nate's drumkit in NYC **Does anyone have pictures of this?? I'm dying to see it**

Quote 3: "We managed to make it to Karaoke one night, which was so much fun. They had our song so we all went up in front of the locals and sang it...bad. I think they were catching on that we might just be the band who really sings it. But we just kept singing it worse and worse. We followed that number up with Mariah Carry's "Hero" which was hilarious. I never knew Nate could hit such high notes. Then we sang Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer". Nate was singing it Linkin Park style (too much Asahi) which was not going over well with the Japanese Karaoke audience. A girl actually got up on stage and tried to take over in hopes of stopping our dice."-Alex's tour diary from dated 4/8/02 talking about their excusion in Japan. **I wish I had been there**

Quote 4:"Nate changed all his drums to lefty and made all the symbols on his drums like 10 feet high. He had black eyeliner on and a big fake tattoo on his forehead! He had to like reach and jump out of his seat to play the songs."-Alex remarking on performing on Top Of The Pops. **This is what happens when Nate gets bored**

Quote 5:"Now looking back at the whole tour I can safely say our show in Sweden was the best. The fans there were fucking amazing and it was way too hot with lots of people drinking lots of booze...rock and roll. I was surprised to see so many of them singing along figuring the record had only been out a week. It was so frikkin hot that everyone else in the band took their shirts off except Nate thought he should just wear his underwear. When we switched instruments Nate put a banana in his boxers and stood front and center to shred on the guitar. It was a blast."-Alex remarking on the concert in Sweden. **I don't think Nate needs any potassium enhancements. This is yet another show I wish I had been at.**
Both Quotes 4 & 5 from Alex's tour diary from dated 5/10/02.

Quote 6: "The head of our street team there in London and her friends were really nice and showed us support even at all the cheesy TV shows where we had to play along to a track. Nothing rock-and-roll about that. That's one thing I love about America... TV is a little more real with bands. What you see is what you get. But not in Europe. Billy likes to plug his bass directly into Aaron's guitar for those things, which adds a nice touch. And don't even ask what Nate's doing back there, secretly playing his double-kick drum patterns, Slayer-style, along to "Wherever You Will Go"."-Alex talking about their experience in London. **Personally I don't even want to know..LOL**

Quote 7:"I got Billy and Nate to try caviar for the first time which was funny and I swear all we did was silently grunt in approval for hours at the dinners. I'm a big fan of the "Moulin Rouge" movie so it was weird to see the real thing as it is today. We even got to see a sex museum with some of the most twisted and surprisingly artful things dating from hundreds of years ago to the present."-Alex's commentary on France. ** comment on the museum..moving right along**
Both Quotes 6 & 7 from Alex's tour diary from dated 6/27/02.

Quote 8:"I really hope they end up using this song we recorded cause it is f*cking hilarious. Have any of you heard of an old hillbilly song called "Keep Your Hands To Yourself"? Well, lets just say there's yodeling in it and a line that talks about milking cows. Probably the last song on the planet you'd ever hear The Calling cover but it's all about the bejamins baby...and the comedy of course. You can catch Nate on drums as well as bass cause Billy was out to lunch."-Alex's commentary regarding a song they've recorded for the movie called "Sweet Home Alabama". **woohoo, Nate on BASS!! BTW..I hear the song will be on the soundtrack!!**

Quote 9: "I thought the "exotic fruit" desert sounded interesting, boy was I way off. I swear this plate came full of some of the weirdest fruits from the most remote places of the earth that I had never heard of or seen before in my life. So after a little drinking and a good meal we each took turns passing around every different piece of fruit and tasting them. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. They were each uniquely completely the most foul disgusting strange colored things I've ever eaten. So I was the first and would be like "Nate, it's not that bad try it" and right when he would take a big ol' bite out of what looked like an ultraviolet pod person from mars fruit I would spit all mine out. Billy like embraced it and by the end would stuff the entire piece of fruit in his mouth, turn green, and practically puke it onto the table with laughter and disgust. Needless to say the waiters were happy to see us children pay the check and leave."-Alex, on eating dessert in a London restaurant. **POOR NATE!!**

Quote 10: "A really sweet fan who's an aspiring musician sent us the most amazing gifts. They were personalized jackets that were hand painted and came in this giant box. Thank you so much for those and all your sweet words. Nate wore his on stage that night. Peoria, IL and Lansing, MI were both a lot of fun."-Alex mentioning a fan's gift. **Wish I'd come up with that idea!**
Quotes 8 & 9 & 10 from Alex's tour diary from dated 7/25/02

Quote 11: "The following day I flew yet again, out to Hillsboro, Oregon for a fair show. Dino told me the night before on their day off in Hillsborough him and Billy and Nate went to Borders Bookstore and just set up shop and played a jazz gig. When people started to realize who they were, they were asked to play Calling songs. So they played "Wherever You Will Go" and "Adrienne" jazz style. Needless to say, no one was happy with that, but they had a lot of fun."-Alex mentioning the fun the guys had without him ;). **OK..who wouldn't want to hear Nate, Billy and Dino playing JAZZ**

Quote 12: "The show that night was so good. That crowd kicked major ass! There were even girls flashing us in the crowed... but, uh, I didn't look :) We got over six bras thrown on stage that night and there was a moment when I turned around to find Nate wearing one across his chest and a leopard one on his head. Aaron had one hanging from the neck of his guitar, as did Billy and Dino. What goofs!"-Alex commenting on the "lingerie" thrown on the stage at one concert. **Alex is correct, what goofs!! This is actually not the first time Nate has put a bra on that was thrown up on stage...perhaps he enjoys women's lingerie a bit too much (just kidding)**
Quotes 11 & 12 from Alex's tour diary from dated 8/23/02

Quote 13: "Drummer Nate Wood, 22, explained why they called them-selves The Calling. "We were called to be in this group. We found each other in kind of a random way. We didn't have a name for a long time and it seemed like a very simple name," said Nate."

Quote 14: "The band's "pretty boy" looks have led to some fans saying that Alex actually looks like a girl! So NJ asked if they woke up one day and were girls, what would they do? "I would get into girls," Nate said."

Quote 15: "But visiting Thailand still made them miss home. "And we surf," added Nate. "We miss surfing. But there're beautiful oceans around here, right?" he asked."
Quotes 13 & 14 & 15-taken from Answering the call by Worawan Thanamongkol ( updated: May 01, 2002 )

Quote 16:"Dear Diary, I just seen the sexiest drummer! His name is Nate. And hes Sooo dreamy!! I love his use of 3/7 polyrhythems" -Dino

Quote 17:"I am sexy, good at drums and other stuff. According to Dino" -Nate

Quote 18:"Nate is Natetastic" -Billy
Quotes 16 & 17 & 18 provided by Krystal from the Milwaukee show. They signed her pad of paper.

Quote 19: "At the age of 4, Nate Wood sat down with a hot dog and French fries and proceeded to play with his food. "He cut the hot dog up into pieces, to make a drum set, and he used the fries as sticks," recalls Wood's father, Steve." -non disclosed source. **Double 4 I was putting macaroni and cheese in my grandmother's hair..somehow Nate's story is a lot more impressive don't you think!!**
