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Stand Up, Be Counted!

::drum roll please::...sign up now for Nate's Exciting Fan Group!! Let's show Nate just how many of us out there love this gifted drummer/guitarist/bassist/singer!! Just go to the bottom of this page and fill in the information!! Easy enough isn't sign up today!!
Also...visit the brand new Nate's Exciting Fan Forum. The link is below.

Visit the Exciting Fans forum!

Exciting Fan #1
Name: Mercedes
Where are you from?: Pittsburgh
When did you become a Nate fan?: March 2002
Favorite Thing About Nate?: He is sooo talented...He remains an awesome, down to earth guy who always makes time for his fans...This list could go forever- he just rocks!

Exciting Fan #2
Name: Joanna
Where are you from?: Fairfax, VA
When did you become a Nate fan?: December 2001
Favorite Thing About Nate?: He's not only a kickbutt drummer, but a sweet guy who is also a kickbutt guitarist and many talents all rolled up into one person, what's not to love?? =)

Exciting Fan #3
Nate: Meagan
Where are you from?: Chicago
When did you become a Nate fan?: late Nov. 2001
Favorite Thing About Nate?: he's an awsome drummer!

Exciting Fan #4
Name: Mellie
Where are you from?: Florida
When did you become a Nate fan?: Last year
Favorite Thing About Nate?: his ears(mostly,lol)his talent,his adorable smile,hes sweet,hes beautiful,he encouraged me to try drumming(although ive never met him)i like everything about him....

Exciting Fan #5
Name: Kayla
Where are you from?: Toledo Ohio
When did you become a Nate fan?: since EVER!! I love Nate!!
Favorite Thing About Nate?: His sense of humor, random comments

Exciting Fan #6
Name: Amy
Where are you from?: Dayton, Ohio
When did you become a Nate fan?: July 2001
Favorite Thing About Nate?: How sweet he is, and how real. When I met the band in September '01 he was SO nice to me, and I really respect him for that!!

Exciting Fan #7
Name: Joie
Where are you from?: Montana
When did you become a Nate fan?: about a year ago when I first heard of The Calling
Favorite Thing About Nate?: His slammin drum playing... and he's got class with a capital K baby!! whoa sorry, inside joke there.

Exciting Fan #8
Name: Karin
Where are you from?: NJ
When did you become a Nate fan?: Nov 2001
Favorite Thing About Nate?: The things he says and the way he plays drums

Exciting Fan #9
Name: Joy
Where are you from?: Birmingham,AL
When did you become a Nate fan?: May 20,2001
Favorite Thing About Nate?: His awesome drumming and his sense of humor!

Exciting Fan #10
Name: Jerica
Where are you from?: Burlington, IA
When did you become a Nate fan?: First time I saw them in concert(June 12, 2002)
Favorite Thing About Nate?: He's an awesome drummer and jis so loveable

Exciting Fan #11
Name: Nyxie
Where are you from?: Tennessee (bleah)
When did you become a Nate fan?: As soon as I heard The Calling
Favorite Thing About Nate?: He's Exciting! Just seems so nice... and they would be even nicer if they all came to visit me in this place...

Exciting Fan #12
Name: Kerry Hayes
Where are you from?: Illinois
When did you become a Nate fan?: July 13, 2002 Peoria concert
Favorite Thing About Nate?: He seems quite and reserved, but then he turns around the next second and has you laughing.

Exciting Fan #13
Name: kyleah
Where are you from?: colorado originally
When did you become a Nate fan?: when i became a calling fan (spring 2001)
Favorite Thing About Nate?: hes a drummer ::kisses::

Exciting Fan #14
Name: Carissa
Where are you from?: Newbury,MA
When did you become a Nate fan?: April 2002
Favorite Thing About Nate?: He plays the drums and he's soo cute!

Exciting Fan #15
Name: Kayla
Where are you from?: Wisconsin
When did you become a Nate fan?: february '02
Favorite Thing About Nate?: Nate is an awesome guy! He is halarious, and awesome drummer, and so sweet to his fans. Alls i can say is hes the shit. lol

Exciting Fan #16
Name: Cathy
Where are you from?: New Jersey
When did you become a Nate fan?: March 2002
Favorite Thing About Nate?: His Eyes..... and he's a great drummer

Exciting Fan #17
Name: Kelly
Where are you from?: Illinois
When did you become a Nate fan?: June 13, New Berlin, Illinois concert
Favorite Thing About Nate?: He seemed really shy, but then he just busted out of his shell and was all happy go lucky! He took me by suprise! Also, we all know deep down him and Katie are meant to be! (:
Katie's comment: That's a very sweet sentiment Kelly, but Nate has a lovely girlfriend!! I think we can all agree we just want Nate to be happy!!

Exciting Fan #18
Name: Annie
Where are you from?: New york City
When did you become a Nate fan?: July 11, 2002
Favorite Thing About Nate?: He plays the drums ;)

Exciting Fan #19
Name: Heather
Where are you from?: Central, Illinois
When did you become a Nate fan?: June 2002
Favorite Thing About Nate?: He was incredibly sweet to us when we met him in Peoria and is a very funny guy! :-)

Exciting Fan #20
Name: Liz
Where are you from?: Modesto, CA
When did you become a Nate fan?: June 16,2002
Favorite Thing About Nate?: The way he plays the drums.

Exciting Fan #21
Name: Stefany
Where are you from?: Winfield, Kansas
When did you become a Nate fan?: March 2002
Favorite Thing About Nate?: He was so nice and so funny when I met him at the concert in Kansas. He is such a good drummer. I love everything about him!

Exciting Fan #22
Name: kc
Where are you from?: philippines
When did you become a Nate fan?: may 2002
Favorite Thing About Nate?: nate is probabaly the nicest person i could think of. Not that ive met him or somthing but as of what ive been reading from fan experiences, he's so cool and adores fans! Nate is also talented, that's why I adore him. His bluish eyes makes me drift lolz!

Exciting Fan #23
Name: Melissa
Where are you from?: Indiana
When did you become a Nate fan?: Yesterday (8/14/2002)
Favorite Thing About Nate?: His smile.

Exciting Fan #24
Name: Kelsey
Where are you from?: Vancouver ,Wa
When did you become a Nate fan?: June 2002
Favorite Thing About Nate?: he is such a sweetie!!!!

Exciting Fan #25
Name: Stephanie Michelle
Where are you from?: Gloucester, VA
When did you become a Nate fan?: when I met you! lol.....
Favorite Thing About Nate?: he's super cool and a totally awesome drummer...and hes so cute!

Exciting Fan #26
Name: Mandy
Where are you from?: Albion,IN
When did you become a Nate fan?: July 2002
Favorite Thing About Nate?: He is just really sweet and funny.

Exciting Fan #27
Name: Steffi
Where are you from?: Berlin / Germany
When did you become a Nate fan?: late 2001 when no1 knew them in Germany
Favorite Thing About Nate?: he's always nice and friendly and sooo shy!!!

Exciting Fan #28
Name: Tabitha
Where are you from?: Illinois
When did you become a Nate fan?: sometime in 2001..i think.
Favorite Thing About Nate?: he's funny..and he is a very talented drummer!

Exciting Fan #29
Name: Kelly
Where are you from?: Colorado
When did you become a Nate fan?: when I first found out about the calling...September 2001
Favorite Thing About Nate?: How he seems so shy, but is really very unpredictable! He can become crazy just like that lol!! Nate also such a talented drummer and the sweetest guy! (psst..he's exciting too!!) :)

Exciting Fan #30
Name: Amanda
Where are you from?: Peoria, IL
When did you become a Nate fan?: I became TRUE fan just this summer!
Favorite Thing About Nate?: He's a drummer- I love drummers! He's also multi-talented and very sweet to his fans.

Exciting Fan #31
Name: Mayo
Where are you from?: Almere,NL
When did you become a Nate fan?: On april 22nd
Favorite Thing About Nate?: His deep blue eyes and his oh so sexy beard...

Exciting Fan #32
Name: Bianca
Where are you from?: Utrecht / Holland
When did you become a Nate fan?: About 1 year ago
Favorite Thing About Nate?: He's Cute, and now how to put on a really good Calling show!!!

Exciting Fan #33
Name: Fran
Where are you from?: U.K
When did you become a Nate fan?: June 2002
Favorite Thing About Nate?: he his such an amazing drummer when i saw the calling live he was ssooooo good! when he walked passed me and my friend he gave us the cutest smile!!!!! he's such a sweetie!!!

Exciting Fan #34
Name: marie-astrid,br> Where are you from?: france
When did you become a Nate fan?: when I became a Calling fan
Favorite Thing About Nate?: everything

Name? Where are you from? When did you become a Nate fan? Favorite thing about Nate?