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I thank you....

This web site would not be in existance without the help of several people....

Katie's Thank Yous:
First, foremost and always, I have to thank Nate Wood. I admit that I am not always the calmest could say I act A LOT more teenie when I see him. Still...he has always found time to talk to me, always taken pictures with me, always autographed items. There is a very good reason why people say such nice things about him...he truly is a caring man!! Along the same lines...I have to thank his parents...Steve and Beth Wood, for having Nate and also for being such terrific musicians and passing on their gift to their son!! (Definately check out Beth Wood's site...she has a great song style!!) Also...a special thanks goes out to Nate's girlfriend. I can only imagine what it must be like to be away from your boyfriend for months on end.

The rest of the thank you's are in no particular order!!

JOOOOY, for helping me set this web site up. Without her assistance..I wouldn't have a lot of the pages that I now have. I actually had the pleasure of hanging with her in Birmingham and Atlanta (where we froze our asses off for The Calling).

Allison, for making the awesome "morphing" pictures of Nate that Nate liked SO MUCH.

Christina, for making my Nate banner with my name in it. She helped a lot with some of the technical questions I had.

Brandy, for creating the Nate Wood The Exciting banner and for all her assistance on the pages.

Mel, webmistress..for inspiring me with her awesome site!!!

Rachel, Billy Web webmistress...for her technical assistance..and for making the FIRST Billy site!!! You can view it on my links page!! A MUST for Billy fans!!

Jill, Pam, Amanda and Missy..for a GREAT experience in Clio and Peoria. It is partially because of them that I was able to talk to Nate in Clio. How I value my friends!!

Shannon, for support thoughout the creation of this site. She has a site for Alex called..Something About Alex...check it's under the links page!!

Krystal's Thank Yous:
First, I'd like to thank Katie, for giving me this great opportunity in helping her out with this awesome website!!!

Second, is (of course :)) Nate. For being the great drummer he is, and for being the sweetheart that he is.

To Mandy, For being a great friend, and for taking me to all the TC concerts. Girl, you know you had fun riding in that van with me!!!! and just one more month 'til that Aaron hug!!!

To Lissa, For also being a good friend, and for all the Hilarious inside jokes that we got (Twiggy, BBQ sauce, and of course the pidgeon dance!!) and for being the big Billy Mohler (or as you would say Billy Mohl...) fan that you are!

And last, Papa John, for driving us girls to every TC concert. and for always letting me stay at your house, and for making you fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy. That shit is good.
