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Fan Experiences

Submitted by: Kristin
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location/date: Milwaukee, WI / July 20, 2002
experience: After the show we went outside to stand by the bus and Nate was the first guy to come out! He and Dino went thru the line together. So after he signed my ticket stub(I couldn't find my cd cover anywhere at the ended up being in the car *lol*) we were taking pics of him and he looked up and made the most HILARIOUS face! I was pleasantly surprised b/c I didn't expect him to do that but it was cute anyway! hehehe He was very cool, and I hope I can meet him again!

Submitted by: Joy
Email address:
location/date: Centennial Olympic Park- Atlanta,GA- 5/24/02
experience: I got to talk to Nate after the show for a long time! I gave Nate a hug for Katie and then he accused me of thinking his name was Neil! and then he told me he had used my drumsticks at shows since I gave them to him. and also I told him he looked like spiderman and we talked about that movie.

Submitted by: Joy
Email address:
location/date: Cotton Club- Atlanta,GA- 3/3/02
experience: I got to meet Nate before the show at the CNN center and then during the show he played with the drumsticks I painted for him!

Submitted by: Sarah
Email address:
location/date: New Berlin County Fair, June 13 2002
experience: Before the show, nate signed my cd cover. After the show i met him and he was soooooo funny. I had written "I love Alex" on my chest and he said all the girls always like alex and its not fair. I told him that i love him too. So he asked if he could sign any part of my body and i said "umm....sure. where are ya gonna sign?" He signed his name right under where alex was written. I told him my friends loved him too so he signed their chests also. It was a lot of fun and i hope to see them again in peoria on july 13.

Submitted by: Natalie
Email address:
location/date: The Norva, Norfolk Virginia, May 25th
experience: Ummm where to begin...Lets see...I had to go my grandfathers funeral before this concert so of course on my way to the concert..WE GET STUCK IN TRAFFIC (AGHHHHH), so I call the Backstage Cafe (we had dinner reservations) to tell them we would be running a few minutes late to hold our table. They reply.."Im sorry we cant do that..we are double booked..we can only hold it for 5 minutes." (IM FREAKIN OUT NOW) So we get to the parking garage and my friends and I RUN (and I mean HAUL BOOTIE) across the road..almost get hit by a car..break my pocketbook...and get to the resteraunt just as they are about to give away our table! We finish eating dinner and decide to go wait in line..only to find out that we arent allowed so we go upstairs! I knew their would be a mad rush to get in line so I told my friend to wait at their stairs so she could run and go get a place and we would meet her there...Well once again as luck would have it my cell phone rings (it was my bf) ! and about that time everyone starts running to get in line, so I hung up on him and ran to find my friends.. (Katie you can relate you were there) lol! So I find my friends and we all line up outside..we were about 30 people back and then the long wait to get in the show begins! Finally after what seemed to be an eternity...they let us into the venue. I am a HUGE Sean fan so of course..We had to be on the left side of the stage so we could be in front of him. (all the while im supposed to be meeting Katie there to do something special for the guys) There are the 2 old med in front of me and one of my friends so we politely ask them if they would mind moving so that we could have front row..They aggred so My friend Anna and I finally got to be in the front WAHOO! The concert was awesome..Sean was adorably as usual..Alex's voice was sexy as mess..and the rest of the guys looked pretty dag on good 2! Well after the concert..I was determined to get Seans set list and lucky! me I DID! We tried waiting in the venue for a little while h! oping to get a glimps of the guys..and we did..and I tried to get a security guard to let me backstage but umm NO that didnt work! So we went outside and waited with everyone else! My friend told me to go show this girl a picture I had had blown up of me and Sean from the last concert and how I had cut my friends out of I did (not knowing that the girl was Katie whome I was sposed to be looking for). We got barricaded in as usual and waited for the guys to come out! I got Sean to sign my picture along with his setlist and my arm..and all the other guys signed my stelist and arm as well! I asked Nate about his famous "Im exciting shirt" and why he wasnt wearing it..Thats when I learned the sad news..That he had retired it! BOO HOO! But all in all the concert was great..Im going to try and get all 100 and some pictures up and when I do I will let you know Katie! BOO HOO I MISS SEAN!

Submitted by: Sarah
Email address:
location/date: Mixfest, Baltimore, MD ... 6/5/02
experience: After the show (in which all of the members were fricken amazing,) we went over to the bus area and waited ... and waited .. and waited. Then Aaron came out and started talking to people. Nate went in the bus and came back out with a shirt on (damn) and then started signing stuff. After Aaron took a pic with us, I asked him if we could take a pic with Nate too (meaning, with him AND nate.) He called Nate over and then waked away-I, of course, squealed and called him back over. Nate is so shy! Hes adorable. Then we asked Nate for autographs-he was so quiet and cute! He was like, "oh the gecko" (I used geico paper they gave us becuse, like a twit, I left my CD cover at home) and I was like, "yeah, he's cute," and he said, "yeah, it is kinda cute." Funny how he resembles the gecko in the pic. Anyways, then he went to sign my friends stuff (he'd already signed the gecko pad of hers) and she was like "you already got this [the gecko]" He was like "yeah, but ! I didnt sign this [cd cover] I gotta keep you covered" ADORABLE. He's v. sweet.

Submitted by: Katie
Email address:
location/date: The World, NYC. 06/04/2002
experience: He was playing during the instrumental segment just before WYWG and let me tell you, I have never been so in awe of somebody's drumming ability! He did a drum fill that I know is difficult (well, as far as I could tell from the few drum lessons I've taken) and did it SO well! I wonder if he'd be willing to give me a drum lesson...?

Submitted by: Jessica
Email address:
location/date: The World, NYC... 6/4/02
experience: I got to tell Nate hello for Katie and then give him a letter and then I gave him a hug for her even though she didn't tell me to and it was a VERY nice hug! hehe, sorry katie ;o) There are more, but I'll save them for another day... =o)

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