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Do you have a question about/for Nate? Post it here and either Krystal or myself will get it answered at the next show we attend!!

The picture above was provided by Ashley. Here is Krystal interviewing Nate at the Adrian show. I cannot thank Krystal enough for interviewing Nate for the site!!:)

question: I was curious as to what Nate's full name is?
Submitted by: Mayra
Answer: Nathan T Wood

question: I was wondering if Nate has any plans on appearing in any films?
Submitted by: Paola
Answer: Nate already appeared in the movie Ghost World. Currently he has no other movie roles in the works.

question: Does he have a gf ?? where can I see pix of her ??
Submitted by: Mette
Answer: Nate does have a girlfriend. There are no pictures of her on the web.

question: What are Nate's musical influences?
Submitted by: Karima
Answer:Steely Dan, The Police, and his Parents. (Thanks Krystal for getting this answer)

question: so has Nate visited this cool site?
Submitted by: anna
Answer: Yes! Nate and Alex have both visited the site. When I saw Alex after the Clio show on July 12th, he said..."Nate and I visited your site yesterday". I don't know HOW they found my site..but I was just tickled that they visited it. Nate even wrote on my playlist "Good site. You don't know how surprized I was to see my own web site." I gave him a letter with the link that night (guess he didn't really need it) and told him to visit as often as he liked. Hopefully, he will visit it again! :)

question: What is Nate's favorite type of drumstick?
Submitted by: Melissa
Answer: Kit Tools (thanks to Krystal for getting this answer)

question: What does Nate do on the bus?
Submitted by: Krystal
Answer: Practice quitar and sleep (thanks to Krystal for getting this answer)

name? email address? Your question: