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Why Nate?!

Well...I could tell you how I met Nate in Norfolk when they opened for Lifehouse back in November 2001 and how my memory of that concert is Nate at his drumkit and really NOTHING else (I was a bit single minded), or I could tell you how amazingly attractive (yes, dare I even say SEXY) Nate is not only in his looks but also just as a great guy...but that truly isn't why I started this site. I remember visiting the Calling's site and wondering..why isn't there anything more about Nate other than that he's the drummer in this great band?! I spent an entire DAY on Yahoo trying to learn more about Nate...because I knew he didn't just PLOP into The Calling..and low and behold..I found that Nate had worked professionally before....starting around the age of 15 (which impressed me IMMENSELY)and that he had gone to both Cal Arts and LAMA to become a musician (want more information..go to the information page). As I learned more about him...I became an even greater fan because Nate has worked incredibly hard to get where he is...and he truly is really modest about himself. I am in awe of his ability to play drums, guitar and even bass...but also, I appreciate how well he treats the fans. Nate is really a kind soul..and this is just my way of saying THANKS to a man who has given the fans so much.

First of all, I would like to ask Why Not a Nate Wood website? I mean, he is a great guy and a respected musician. He deserves this. I have been a fan of Nate's since back in Feb. of this year. Which was when I first got to see the band live. I saw this scrawny guy, with his shirt off and I was just so impressed. I was hooked, and I haven't been able to get enough of him ever since then. Nate Wood, is indeed, the world's greatest drummer.
