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24 Sleeping Walker

this sotire and about Kijah have sleeping walked on up down Set 24 and didn't oh fell sleeping walked, 12pm. don't know here there..

Chapter The Sleepless Night's

Kijah, look around tape look this yes give show 5 mintues what show that 24.. look alright cool watch coruse, love show 5 mintues, Kijah, and alright then Sarh and Minka was there Chris walked so today brothr Diluah watch Kijah do Dreamer today in coming later at work cool alright..

Amerila walked "miss began damit" alright tape oh when pasue good, oh hold oh yeah Chris, pretty good get room maybe after 24 look alright time going later home tonight yes corus,e Sam diluah going 2 hrs alright find, I know Amerila..

Eyes look Jack Baucer hi no, hi Dreamer need after Kijah 24 be find damit miss it alright wait stand tape pauise Chris play thanks lookp uash and almost finind Say and Amerila oh yeah I know wish..

"PLease Stay Next episodie 24..."

"Yeah suck next monday wait? do then"

I'm for Walked alright me Dreamer for walked alright... find chris long alright then alright walked cold dreamer throught walked alrigh think going say to me sit over yeah glass oh where talking yeah siting, now yes oh my friend's notice, working, oh keep icrh, don't know,why icrh I kow talkined oh geting after car second Acet Dreamwr worry about who, girl Dreamewr oh don't know never hirt Kijah look eye her work oh worry yeah I know find, can go got just her cold oh yeah alright going, home I know, resaturnt oh talking yah I know worry heart Kijah I know then..

Hello, going waiter bet hi Kijah alright pretty good, Hot choactol some one too don't know yet meau alright hi Rez pretty good, oh hot chocatat that hi sis bug poretty god, today Chris, walked in with other friend I know dreamer I know talking hello, Chris wher work what woking no, when want me kijah here Amerila find, hot choactoe talking icher think fond secind acent look it alrigh then thanks call 1 hrs oh with bye just chris getitng look second yea sure, picture's ask River bring casse river yeah sure, smille and call right yeah

Hi talked River hey River phone hello river hi Kijah hello Kijah today pretty over tonight out with boyfriend, yeah other friend Darion ask with on busssine and after back acent car wasn't fault work case oh coffe call get 1 hrs oh meet boyfriend tonight alright bye.. River overmy dad like home alone Chris doesn't home get worry yeah alright Dreamer hello Chris hi dreamer prety thinking, want with girlfriend yeah find, oh find total find me happy with my sister today..

I'm so happy thanks later and Chris guys yeah Chris Dreamer with girlfriend, sa wother girl Dreamer oh muy sister with oh Kijah is with park other girl hello, Dreamer hi chris with otehr girl park yeah me Kijah park told bad acent car alright bye..

Sleeping, oh didn't 24 oh coffe shoping oh yeah Kijah oh and din't know do that sorry.. Dreamer coffee shop coruse, oh sweart 24? and werid, I know.. I know Dreamer think had I know alrigh back Yellow do my right yeah yellow help gifrlfriend, epeidoe yes look hi Yellow I know oh I know Sleeping, Kijah are 24?

take place nighttime 700pm-800pm...

Jack, and girl then way movis no, oh did oh get yeah down bomb? and when Yellow seee Kijah bomb there white house? and something Jack bacuer girl'sJack girl don't know kijah look daughter age found bom blast make alright oh yeah didn't eyes foing find back acent 2 month got hopstial 1 week I know don't know really Jack mean impage? and I know. then...don't kow say Jack?Kijah come with sit down girl vashine iknow kijah oh yeah I know Cj get river know alright alright River need know dreamer what happen cried dreamer episide in 24 yeah bomb River oh shcoking I knnow, bring yeah bring oh dreamer call 911 yeah sure need 911 anameb Coffe Shaft please.. and thanks oh yeah girfriend episdoe don't knoiw "Sleepless Night" time? call dreamer? episode creata alright going over waither oh yeah Dreamer alright then where Darion just off work oh when turn Coffe shopping fellow Darion hello, hponey sweet heart anyone kid's don't left worry I know worry found work yeah bye Walked in yeah i know Excasue me Darion I hi Kijah feel today croinng epsidoe? Dreamer oh sweet heart hi there, Kijah hi dad Dariopn hi Dreamer pretty kijah take Darion meeting hopstial ,Dreamer do whath appen cropat episdhe when 24 oh mean show call "Sleeplless Night Time"

Wow need call Cj Keifer Surthdland I kow tell going freak look girl

Darion talking Yellow Dreamer saything werid I know cerpa injury care hi River Kijah when hopstial waiter hey Amerila yeah fave yeah sure, over tell chris sister when hopstial oh Chris hi help we Ctalking Amerial need inporemnt what going over waither chris alright find Amrila Chris Kijah just when hopstail oh Amerila what happen don't know icher oh one no, corking episdoe?

I'm don't know mean Hi chris sister hopstial alright going hopstial right back Amerila hi there hi Amerila Dariion dont' know Ameria doing fave suire dreamer \hot chochter cup to go oh wast them sure up oh yeah over table waklked my car see Kijah hopstoal no, will take Dreamer thanj Darion in promblem Dreamer Chris oh for some hi there help youhi Chris Dreamer whath appen cpera episode really find 24 set found yes that Dreamer yellow thank geting no problem I know..

this take place 800pm-900

Jack loook found girl's and hide back why here? and I place Jack down bomb? voice I know, Jack friend don't know really part think she said I know call them and part donw keep and part I know Jack look young girl fell sorry Jack when Jack and fellow and Jack like my seft I know party and show and Jack, oh CTU Shot Clole Don't now, wow nice, place lke shoulding shaking eyes? I'm girl vasish I know Kijah other crep epesdio and I everyone Kijah when hopstial 1 damra Darion walked oh hi Darion Kijah epidod damit, and thanks Dreamer walking hi there hi how my daughter Kijah why sure Kijah 1 drama thanks alright kijah hi my dad here sure see don't know other come in yeah Kijah don't know here can dreamer oh yeah here, yeah

hi there Darion and Dreamer kijah over night alright then right thansk bug in promblem Dad bring my blanke sure going, home stuff in hopstial for awhile alright then hi Kijah put room alright, Chris just in yeah movies in movies thanks Dreamer worry getitng stuff Darion, oh what going Darion movies room oh good, oh Dreamer need alright Darion got door thanks alright move blacket get mother, and alright sure..

MySpace Glitter Graphics

Chapter 2 Next Day

Dreamer was there working hi chris pretty good, oh chris siter yet didn't know that alright then come with before gift shopping yeah oh need break what time start ackllty 2hrs come ealryand need befor oyu pay loter pretty flower's like this gif boox like write alright..

when there pay hi there, hi Dreamer prety good today like flower wrap oh yeah in hi there hi Darion wrap no wrap there sure oh alright total oh yeah do car yeah sure Darion card oh oh hi there hi Dreamer pretty hi darion pretty good today need help waiting flower oh yeah here thanks oh card thanks use pen sure hi Dreamer do work 10pm wow early today give maybe use here tonight cool, hi myson pretty good, oh pay suff pay hi do wokr 5pm work ogg dresmrt 6:3o oh Chris might work over night, and yeah Amerila hi amerila prty Chris anyone Kijah going after going alright Kijah right name I know hi Dreamer prety good, ohhi Amerila Darion going break oh 5am today wow wokring over yeah going busy Know it's okay break vist Kijah going 1 hrs break see my daughte.

Kijah was up waiting holding hi Amerila help bathroom oh when KIjah dreamer worry here Chris Kijah that far how, Kijah sorry help why call help Kijah when bathroom it's get bathroom alright need Dreamer for oh sorry how spell good honey prety love then kiss wow didn't see ther today got Amerila sorry so hurry right need good food, I know pancake's oh alright hten check hi Dreamer prety good, today hi there River oh look don't knwo.

Kijah Dreamer blackent' for me sure oh here hi River feel prety hi there Delina hi mom honey brought oh blacket swearter awhile back after honey Mom do still Deria coruse meeting afyrt work talked Storm after oh cool i know storm yes do I knwo storm son's great worry get Dreamer maybe bed look tried watch wake oh alright..

Later night press hi Kijah help bathrom sure oh watch blackent oh pillow fellow alrigh then hi Dreamer honey pretty alright hi Amerila prety good something oh then some here thank oh look good alright good, oh soup good, oh yeah hi Chris, pretty good oh Amerila smlell good, oh 2 mintues oh wow friend's today good, oh River yeah mornign soup yeah more good that

Later night was tv oh Sleeping look peacefuk yes River hi Amerila look loo dead throught over Chris gyys over night call home Chris oh 9 press. hello, hi over night hopstial find comg 1 hrs Kijah room alright room number told coolalright thanks who, Chris hey bug off now, throught River night Kijah watch will grace rigght now thaks Chrs bye Rez Chris over night hopstial wow really cool, then might there i know alright.

Later night sleeping oh maybe in Chris help pull couch Iknow chris oh yeah need Amerila oh thansk oh keep Kijah ou Sarh and Minka how ar Kijah sleeping now

this take place 900-1000pm

Chapter 3 Place-comming soon