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Chapter 1~*Deady Verison*~

Vera "was getting for her sence you ask for me yeah didn't all you chourse yeah Prince Nicky Here You breastfast thanks.Do anything else no do the Dished. Vera doing dishes was finish the dished. Prince Nicky come in finish the dished can to get some stuff for dinner today. Vera this Arskrick be staying with us". Okay want be to his room.No not right now later.Vera what want for some dinner anything.Vera no no this again."Not going happenning" to me she sreaming Lighting come in here sreaming Nicky come with Lightning saw Vera on floor bleeding Arkrick can some towel yeah sure. "Lighting she had Had verson again when get these verison oh Two month ago."

"I trought you knew no her repley okay.Here we go thank Arskrick she be okay yeah. Vera woke up what happen you verison oh I did.Arskrik brough her room make supper no we make it Charisma will help make dinner okay want sleep okay kiss for he lelf". Arskrick went check up her. Coming to the room saw she is sleep still.Arskrick sit beside hold her hand kiss good nigh. Arskirckl it's my sence not yet told her stop movie Nicky had to work oh yeah I for got. Arskrick can get some thing too drink sure want everthing no not hurry. Vera want back to sleep.

"The next day Vera was okay do the movie. Lighting was reading his line. Vera know her line by heart. Let start realy Nicky and Arkrick. So the movie began agan Vera here your coffee Prince Nicky and Prince Arskrick thank do you need thing else no. Okay Be in the kitchen Making lunch okay fine." Vera saw Lighting with brother name was Thurder.Do need help yes do this not part of the Movie hit allow. Lighting I know miss your dragon wasn't your fault happen. Okay thank going make luch. Before do that was cloths stop bleeding.Here you go thank Drag was in kitchen somthing smell so good. Making favitor song eveyone.

"Hey Drag hi making Lunch do help Help sure want cut carriots". sure what having with I don't know. thing of something. "Got ring Vera see them did you ring No rely Nicky And Arskrick bell no. Okay that weird bye. Be in Kitchen with Drag okay Bye. Nicky and Arskrick having Party this week. Here can put table yeah sure here can Nicky birthday too. Vera can with plantes forks knife and spoon.Vera broken dish so so sorry what broken I know this bought. It's okay Vera not new mother kill me found break dish.We using my mother.what time is almost noon. Why ask Nicky Your parent coming okay talk about party".