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~*Charpter 2 ~*The Party*~

Vera siting down wow nice room did said Chrimama yeah did okay wow Aristrick be happy wow siad Angel, wdid good job Vera thanks Aristrick okay Chris walked here okay "hello, heard have verison yeah I know lighting alone dragon talked much hi Lighting doing alright, I'm wow when in kitchen look oven smell good said Angel, Nicky best friend and his cosuin okay here alright wow did room I did I know board wow okay when over in saw dragon touch do mind okay eyes look Lighting Light? call okay bro okay oh brother okay cool, wow look like oh thanks for wow oh Vera check Lighting okay wing well wing is broken Lighting okay alright Harry check out Lighting wing okay hello, Harry smile hello, Stage doing new dragon cute name oh thanks smile didn't hurt him". "I'm worry come let good thanks tell me alright keep watch it"

Vera "in kitchen supers party no okay Nicky know about wow everyone look great thanks Nicky I'm best friend on my couisn yeah here don't know name hi Erick hello, he said alright "hi Jayaha doing today alright there are come okay some what happen arms ask Rasie broken arms at work fell didn't know smell frezzle lce okay" on hoilday sister I'm Rez thanks Zienk doing Diluah here come best friend Party alright vera wow oay hot guys said Sara and Chrisma okay I know like it she said"

"Dance with guys didn't know eyes okay I'm Rasie party, fun smell food okay Dance Jayaha like shirt thanks he said okay cute said Sara funny look Angel okay think about said Angel vera saying think promise wow thanks for dance no promblem food good thank sister no promblem party geting tried"

Party over vera sleeping okay wake said Angel not eighter Chrimasta sleeping Shane okay feel sleeping so cute Kate And britney funny jay and bryan look couldn't guys alright honey come to let go bed said Kate no this okay alright then okay everyone when sleep good night to moring,