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Johnny and I arrived at the Airport 1 hour before it took off. I said goodbye to my Mom and Dad. Johnny and I got on the Airplane and got to our seats.

“Excuse me,” said a pair of Green eyes looking straight at me. It was shocking for me to ever meet a Famous Star on an Airplane.

“Excuse me, sorry, where are my manners? My name is Clay Aiken.”

“Hi, my name is Vera-Anne and this is my brother, Johnny.”

“hi there,” Clay greeted to Johnny. Ruben was Across from Clay Aiken.

I put my seatbelt on before we had gotten into the air. I felt like I was going to have a nervous break down. I didn’t like flying on an airplane. I was scared because of what happened on September 11, 2001.

Clay asked, “are you okay?”

“No, I hate flying.”

Clay was calming me down and I was fine now.

Soon we would be in BC, Canada.

I asked Clay, “Why are you and Ruben here on this Airplane?”

“We missed our other plane,” Clay replied.?

“Oh dear,” I gasped. I was clam now.

“Clay, why is Ruben so quiet?” I asked again.

“I don't know.”

The plane was landing now.

Thanks, have a nice time,” I said and Johnny and I got our things.

Clay hugged me goodbye.

“Thanks, bye Clay.”


Now, the paradox is: Did this really happen or is it a work of fiction? Remember that this is a real dream, but it didn't happen in real life. So, how should it be classified? (This is what I get for taking Philosophy.:)) Have any ideas? Email me at: