Age: 15
Birthplace: Santa Monica, California
-Santa Monica High School (currently enrolled, second year)
-Freshman Year GPA: 4.0
-Sophomore Year GPA: 2.4
School Clubs/Activities:
-Girls Volleyball Team
-Chess Club
S.M.H.S. Vice Principal's Note:
-Kim's first year at Santa Monica High was outstanding. She maintained a wide range of student activities including Pep Club, Yearbook, Photography Club and Chess Club. She also joined the Tennis, Swimming and Girls Volleyball teams. Her teachers' evaluations were all complimentary of her classroom performance and cheerful attitude.
-Kimberly's second year at S.M.H. showed a marked decline in her scholarly performance. In addition, she abruptly dropped out of all her clubs but Chess and all teams but Girls Volleyball. Her record now reflects six detentions and one warning notice of failure in Algebra.
-Parents: Teri (deceased) and Jack Bauer
-Ex-boyfriend: Vincent O'Brien
Telling Melanie to 'bring it on' at the end of a long rant about how bad her day has been. (Series 1, 8:00-9:00pm)
Escaping from the Drazens' guards by throwing coffee at them, even though her hands were tied together.
(Series 1, 10:00-11:00pm)
Somehow surviving when the car she was in fell down a cliff and burst into flames.
(Series 1, 3:00-4:00pm)
Getting herself kidnapped by Rick and Dan.
Series 1, 12:00-1:00am/1:00-2:00am)
Nearly being killed, alongside mother Teri, by Gaines' thugs.
(Series 1, 7:00-8:00am)
Being arrested on suspicion of drug-dealing. (Series 1, 6:00-7:00pm)