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Hello there here my first I wrote in 1999-current not finish yet I hope you like it thanks please email if any question thanks Vera-Anne

I'm Stil working storey working, this make Act 2 Sence 3 coming soon hope like what have one thanks vea-anne


ACT 1, SCENE 1- Revenge

Pepsi: (Calls Moonlight) You want to come over?

Moonlight: Yeah, sure. (She answers a beep who is Vegas- to Vegas). Hey, you coming over now?

(Moonlight hangs up the phone, and we time jump to A knock on the door. Moonlight answers the door to her best friend, Vegas).

Moonlight:(to Vegas) We’re meeting Pepsi. Let go.

Vegas: By the way, thanks for inviting me to your grad

(Moonlight sees Lima and Dera , talking to someone. Moonlight and Vegas just pass by)

Lima: Hey, there go the two shuts!

Vegas:( Shouts over her Shoulder) Grow up Lima!

( Dera stays silent )

What a bitch, (urging moonlight) Lets go.

(Pepsi meets Vegas and Moonlight halfway.)Vegas is pissed with Lima and tells Pepsi of the incident.

Moonlight: Lets go to your house, Pepsi.

(Vegas calls home to tell her parents she's staying over at Pepsi's house tonight) Pepsi got a phone call from Lima and Dera But Moonlight answers it and decides to just hang up on them.

Pepsi: Who was it?

Moonlight: Lima and Dera I think. I just hung up. Lima and Dera are pissing me off and they won’t leave us alone. ( The phone rings again it is Moonlight's work place they need her to work)I'm coming now.

Pepsi: Who was that?

Moonlight: My work wants me to come in now, but I am off tomorrow. cool!

wanna come to eat at my restaurant while I work?

Pepsi: Ok. Oh, I should put the answering machine on before we leave of course. Can’t wait to eat Moonlight's Homemade food.

(Vegas is obviously still mad at Lima by the harsh look on her face) (The girls arrive at the HOT PLATE restaurant.)

Moonlight : thanks for coming

Pepsi: you're welcome.

Moonlight: (waves a waiter over)oh my friends are here to eat. Get them the special, please, Amanda (she nods and smiles plesantly) Thanks.

(Cut to a tedius ringing of the phone in Pepsi's empty bedroom. Cut to Dera and Lima. Dera is putting down the phone)

Dera: Lets try later.

(Cut to Amanda in the back of the restaurant)

Amanda: (to moonlight) What's wrong? The oven stopped working.

Amanda: We might have to close tonight and tomorrow too. I tried to get a hold of Angel and Darrin, but they're not home.

(cut to the front of the restaurant)

Pepsi: (going back to her table after coming from the bathroom. she bumped into Angel and Darrin, just coming in) I am sorry.

Angel: That's okay.

(Cut to the back)

Amanda: Oh yeah these girls were looking for you.

Moonlight: What girls?

Amanda: Lima and Dera

Moonlight: Fuck This! Why don't they just leave me alone! (Answers to Amanda's shocked and confused expression to Moonlight's cursing) Lima and Dera, they are my ex friends.

Amanda: (sighs) Ohhhh.

Moonlight: Yeah, I was walking to meet Pepsi halfway and Saw them talking to someone, probably another friend. Lima called me and Vegas sluts.

(Back to Pepsi, Darrin and Angel)

Pepsi: (continuing a conversation) Yeah, Moonlight isn't on stage much because of the accident.

(At the end of a busy night Moonlight closes up with the help of her friends, Pepsi, Vegas, Angel, Amanda and Darrin. Darrin goes to see the damage of the oven)

Angel: (angrily- to Moonlight) It's your day off and the oven was doing fine in the morning.

Moonlight nods and goes to get something to eat)

Angel: Moonlight works so hard and she's a good manager.

(Cut to the door opening entering one of the Backstreet Boys, Nick Carter...Moonlight, heading in that direction bumps into him. The boys enter from behind Nick)

Nick: (with a smile) Excuse me? Yeah, can you help us find a table?

Moonlight: yeah sure, this way, guys.

(Pepsi smiles in happiness of seeing Nick. She approaches him to embrace him tightly with a giggle)

Backstreet boys: (to everyone in unison) hi, we heard this restaurant was good.

Moonlight: (Playfully) Are you ready to order, boys?

Nick: (sits with Pepsi) Can we have the special of the week? Your home made pizza. Yum!

Moonlight: Oh ok. What kind of drinks? Never mind, we'll just make you the best kind. Our special drinks.

Aj: Who Came here tonight?

Moonlight: Oh, we had Nsync , Christina Aguerila , Britney Spears, D12, Jay Z, Blue Nature, and of course, you guys.

Nick: Who is blue nature?

Moonlight: They're the new band I'm currently managing.

Nick: Oh, ok, cool!

Howie: (to moonlight softly) Hey, uh... sweetie pie, where are the bathrooms?

Moonlight: There was a sign at the front entrance, sweet thing, just turn to your right.

Kevin: (impressed) Lookin good in here.It got bigger.

Brian: 3 years and still awesome.

Moonlight: Check out the new additional bar and Book/Cd Store.

(Pepsi tares at Nick all night while Vegas talks to Kevin and Brian while they walk through the new addition )

(Moonlight closes up while Amanda writes a sign saying the Hot Plate won’t be open this week.)

Pepsi: (to Moonlight) Ready to go home?

Moonlight: Yeah.

Moonlight was driving on the way home and the backstreet boys follow.

Pepsi: Moonlight, should we stay at your house tonight?

Moonlight: that will be easier with the backtreet boys, coming too.

(Moonlight stops off at Pepsi's and Vegas' houses to pick up their stuff.)

Moonlight: you stayin over tonight, guys?

The Boys: Yep.

(At Pepsi's stop Pepsi checks her answering machine it was Lima and Dera.

The message: You are Bitches and Sluts! You'll Never get the Backstreet Boys!

Nick knocked and than walked in to find out what was taking so long.

Nick: Hey, Moonlight where is Pepsi?

Moonlight: In the bathroom

Nick: Ok. oh it bad want here it Nick

Moonlight: Sorry for taking so long. Pepsi got a bad message.

(Nick plays the message and shuts it off, feeling angry over it. Pepsi finishes and they all leave for Moonlight's house. Arrival.)

Nick: (to Pepsi) You ok? Man, I'm so pissed off at those two rude bitches. What the hell's their problem anyway?

Pepsi: I'm fine.

Moonlight: (to Nick and Pepsi) I have an idea, Pep.

(Moonlight brings the guys in on the plan)

Moonlight: We are gonna stop by their usual hang out with the guys.

(Moonlight calls Brian's girlfriend, and AJ's girlfriend with the same message)

Lianna: Sounds like a plan Moon, so me and Vinesse will meet you at your place.

Vinesse: (distant) who was it moon?

Moonlight: Lima and Dera

Vinesse: Oh yeah those two just won’t leave you girls alone.

Moonlight: Yeah well, we'll see after this. Well, I'm going to bed now, so I'll see ya two tomorrow.

(Night comes and goes and we enter into the morning)

Moonlight: (wakes up to answer a ringing phone- it was Lianna and Vinesse.)

Lianna and Vinesse: We're coming now!

(Cut to everyone gathered in the living room)

Nick: Ready now what are we going to do today? (grins coyly)

(Howie is finishing drying his hair)

Aj: Well, I'm makin breakfast for us

Kevin: I'll help!

(When everyone is finished eating and dressing they all pile into their cars and head for the *Childhood* cafe'. They arrive and enter as a group. We see the couples coming together- Pepsi with Nick, Moonlight with Howie, AJ with Vinesse, Brian with Lianna, as well as Kevin and Vegas)

Lima: (looks up from talking to Dera)

Lima: What the hell...

In the doorway, Moonlight kisses Howie with hot passion)

(Nick takes Pepsi and dips her by the table to kiss her passionately until all the couples follow thier lead)

(Lima and Dera stare in angry and confused silence-

end of Scene 1)

ACT 2 SCENE 2-*They Won't Leave Us Alone*

Pepsi: (to Moonlight) your plan worked

moonlight: Thanks

(Cut to Lima and Dera, leaving the café in a huff)

Moonlight: (pats Howie’s chest) Lets go (looks up at Howie) I am still tired. (glances to Pepsi for agreement)

Pepsi: Okay we should

(Moonlight and the others leave the Childhood Café. On their way out they are spotted by Lima and Dera)

Lima: This was obviously a set up cause those guys wouldn’t be with you when you dress like sluts!

Moonlight: Grow up and act your age instead of acting like you are 5 years old!

Moonlight No, you don’t!

(Lima and Dera leave mumbling to themselves while Moonlight and the others head home. When they arrive at Moonlight’s home…)

Moonlight: I’m takin a nap.

(Everyone followed suit… later that evening we see Nick sneaking out of the kitchen)

Nick: (coy) OKAY! Everyone up!

(Moonlight checks her answering machine to find that Piper, Moonlight’s sister has called her and will be calling back)

Pepsi: (approaches Moonlight) Was it Piper?

(The phone rings)

Moonlight: (answers)Hi Piper. You’re coming back? Great.

Piper’s voice: I called earlier today, but you weren’t home.

Moonlight: I am sorry. We all went out to the Childhood Café. The plan was to get Lima and Dera back for pissing us off all these years.

Piper: Whatever

Moonlight: We got them back today

Piper: Good for Everybody

Pepsi:(enters the kitchen) mmmm something smells good in here.

Nick: Thank You, peps

Moonlight’s voice: Yeah we’ll Come pick you up, Piper.

(cut to Moonlight on the phone)

Piper: I have some thing for every body

Moonlight: Cool so what time should we pick you up?

Piper: 20 mintues

Moonlight: Okay, goodbye see ya than.

Nick: (proud of himself, enters the living room holding Pepsi close) Dinner is served.

Moonlight: Now, cause it’ll take me 20 miniutes to get to the airport, but I’ll be back really soon. Plus Piper has something for all of us.

(Moonlight gets into her car and heads for the airport. Cut to Piper waiting for Moonlight. A car is following Moonlight, but she ignores it. Moonlight searches for her sister once she enters the airport)

Piper: (waves) Hey sis! how are you doing?

Moonlight: Lets Go. supper is ready now.

Piper: Good So hurry now only give me cookies

Moonlight: Oh Ok that’s bad

Moonlight: Hi.

Nick: You coming?

Moonlight: Yep, right now.

Pepsi’s voice: Wake the other guys! It’s supper time!

(Moonlight hangs up the phone- scene 2 ends)

ACT 1, SCENE 3-*Time Of this Lima And Dera*

Moonlight: We almost home

Piper: I getting hurry now hardly good supper on the airplane

Moonlight: That's Bad Should gave something good to eat

Piper I Know should do that's

Moonlight: We are home now

Pepsi: Saw them came into the driveway

Moonlight: come in with {Piper suecases)

Pepsi: Happy you guys are home (I Saw Lima and Dera follow you but they got pull over my police going to fast)

Nick: Good time supper is ready

Moonlight: (Lima and Dera got a ticket) I glad they got a ticket

Pepsi: Yes Lima and Dera got a ticket they were speed

Moonlight: Going eat now okay

Piper: This looks so good

Moonlight: getting some glass for the pop she brough from her restaurant and some good dersert too

Nick: Came in are you coming yeah

Howie: Say pray for we eat

Moonlight: Put some music on then the phone ring

Pepsi: This leave it might be Lima and Dera again so many time I call the pocile like 2 hour ago

Moonlight: The Police Came here Yeah They talk to going put a restrining order on them do that for us

Pepsi; This want tell you

Moonlight:okay that good

Pepsi: The order be on tomorrow

Moonlight: That's was fast

The Backstreet Boys: Are Getting Very upset and Mad at them Because won't Leave Us Alone

Moonlight: Wow The Backstreet Boys Getting Piss Off with Lima And Dera

Nick: Oh Moon Amanda call you okay thanks

Moonlight: Call Amanda Hi

Amanda: Hey Monlight you call yeah I promble with exfriends Dera And Lima won't Stoping calling me

Moonlight: How they got your number

Amanda: I don't know

Moonlight: Did call the Police

Amanda: No I Didn't call them Oh ok

Moonlight: Calling Angel and Darrin tonight

Amanda: Thanks you Moon Call be back them what they said oh ok

Moonlight: Bye Amanda

Amanda: Bye Moonlight

Moonlight: Finishing eating her supper

Pepsi: What did Amanda want Lima and dera Won't leave her alone she keep calling her

Moonlight: going call Angel and Darrin now

Pepsi: Okay and they hurting my friend I work with almost 2 years now

Moonlight: Don't worry (Peps They will get trouble the arstered today)

Pepsi: Oh Yeah that right

Amanda: Call Back Moonlight

Moonlight hey Amanada

Amanda: Hey The police they are going her hosue now

Moonlight: Good thanks this get really dumb now almost 6 years now went not being with Lima and Dera

Pepsi: herad a knob there door it was Vegas

Vegas: I am sorry late

Pepsi: That's okay

Moonlight: Call Darrin fist see he was home

Pepsi: Gave Vegas some derset

Piper: Talk to the Backstreet Boys about this hole thing

Moonlight: left a message Please call me back soon as possiblem

Vegas: This so good I really this cake

Pepsi; thanks Moonlight she made it

Moonlight: Going call Angel now Hello is Angel home no his not know where went I think he went to his Gang meetinhg

Can Moonlight back thanks

Pepsi; Hey who was phone like 5 mintues

Moonlight: oh Amanada the Police went to Lima and Dera House

piper: cleaning up the hosue

Lima: Call Amanda back

Amanda: didn'y answer it she was in the shower get ready worl

Lima: lelf bad message You fuck bitched going kick your ass when i see Moonlight going get hurt so back when fuck see again

Dera: Didn't care who she hurt

Amanda: got out for the shower oh have message She listen to it she got got upset She call Moonlight back

Pepsi: Answer the phone Can talk Moonlight

Moonlight: Hello Hi Amanda what wrong

Amanda:Lima gave bad message on my answering machine

Moonlight: When you got this now

Amanda:Srcay moonlight going hurt me too

Moonlight: Why my name because you work with me Okay going call the Angel and Darrin I think told where are thank

Amanda: Ask come over our house tonight yeah sure oh ok leaving now

Moonlight; Angel cell phone it wasn't on

Pepsi: Was talking vegas about going Lima and DeraVegas: Why Lima and Dera leave us alone

Cutting Angel friend's house Leigh and Derk

Moonlight: one of Angel friend house call that house Hello Hi I answering did here no just miss them oh ok thanks

Piper: heard the door bell ring hey amanda Where is Pepsi and Moonlight it the dinning room

Derk: Mother no This went out

Mooonlight: okay bye

Pepsi: heard the door bell ring It was Angel and Darrin and Leigh and Derk

Moonlight: guys these days

The Backstreetboys: Went shooping get some suff for tonight

Pepsi: sorry this dropping in because my car this broken down it okay when going have full hosue tonight

Piper: was in the kitchen cleaning up bit

Pepsi: Moonlight mind and less guys are here anyway Lima and dera going to something is bugging still said Angel

Angel: what are saying she going Amanda kick ass hurt moonlight when see them again

Pepsi: but they can't near us we put restrining order againist them any way

Angel: piss off with it one hurt my friends and my sister either

Moonlight: phone amanda like yesterday telling Lima And dera won't calling us

Angel: Going here with guys today maybe sister with your guys for awhile don't her be my herself

Pepsi: call moonlight yeah coming yeah What is saying over okay mind I you always have blanket

Moonlight: fist call darrin no one home then your and Leigh and Derk said there They through Derl's Morther they went out

Angel: I am sorry I want you any about Having problems with Lima and Dera

Darrin: they outside they car won't they Came in

Moonlight: Yeah guys going back no can't the car maybe cold

Angel: Hug his sis Amanada going stay here for awhile okay

Moonlight: Heard the knob at her door it was the BSB Yeah Back

Nick: I sorry took so long thing want let suff

Moonlight: Going to the mall get some blankets Because Amanda is stayingg over for awhile Lima and Dera Made her very sracey and Upset

Nick: Okay

Howie: Putting the food a way

Aj:Put is Jacket way hang it up

Kevin and Brian: Bring some different kind foods like Cracker,cheese, pickels,cookies other kind of food

Moonlight; ready for the bed everyone was helping

Angel: Don't worry moonlight they won't hurt you I promsie thank thanks angel

Moonlight: Thank for the snaks BackStreet Boys really good

Piper: Cleaning up bit bring the dishes

Pepsi: Geting the bed ready and Everyone when too End of Sence 3

ACT 1, SCENE 4- *Why They This Stop*

Moonlight: Woke the when the kitchen make Breakfast For Any

Dera&Lima: Sitting is jail speed down road the guard go now

Lima: okay next day be for a year.


Pepsi: Smell something good

Moonlight: hey Pepsi breakfast almost ready.

Amanda: Come Moonlight’s room When have a shower

Moonlight: Wonder What Lima and Dera doing now yesterday when to jail

Pepsi: Hope they stop this

Lima: had idea she after the lelf from jail let’s see Moonlight doing

Moonlight: Turn the on time get thing do today

Amanda: Come out the shower went the kitchen have breakfast

Nick: Feel better now

Lima: Went did break in Moonlight house.

Dera: Like the idea let go now

Lima got there Moonlight still home went they went go in

Pepsi: Putting some thing her car.

Moonlight” Cleaning up went they come back home

BSB: Were getting ready

Moonlight saw the read sorry left this all of us had go into work talk later Blue Nature

Piper: Was clean the front room a bit

Moonlight: Yelled any need go in my room no lock her door

Pepsi: made sure all the room were lock

Piper: that much better

Moonlight: Ask were want first let my restanurter drop dog off Darrin could watch them for me okay

Pepsi: Nick, Brian ,Kevin

Moonlight was taking Howie and Amanda,Piper and Anmails

Pepsi:Lelf first Call her on cell phone hello did put the arder on yeah coursre

Dera:&Lima: Went try break the down in didn’t work

Moonlight: Someone have crush on you.

Amanda: how is patches doing goodLima:Broken the window went climb up they set in the artmed wemt off

Dera: hold something heavy smash the armated

Lima: Smash it won’t stop they trash the place went out the fornt went to there car

Moonligth: Stop At Hot Plane Howie help her bring her anmails is Darrin in yeah call yeah Moonlight here my pet thanks that forgot went lelf this morning okay

Darrin was happy now take good them

Lima: didn’t know she drop Her Id on the floor

Angel went moonlight clothes in the dry went door the went brough out gun anywhere look around here back up there was break in 9912 bond ave west

Carter: that call the Moonlight came write by

Angel:waiting for the pocile hey man

Carter What Happen I know saw the arder Smash

Moonlight: Went back From shopping Pepsi wasnt felling good call Darrin Hot Plant Darrin Speak Hey When Bring my house after finsh yeah sure.okay Bye Darrin

Nick:Was driver pepsi call for her

Moonlight:Went drive she saw firetruck and Poclile car

Angel: Checked what evey was they leif

Moonlight: Pepsi okay I stay Amanda fine bsb went with Moon and Piper when toocarter: went out there front door.

Moonlight: went in saw front room we call back up Angel and Carter

Nick down ckeck nothing werong here

Moonlight: What is this went she open Lima and Dera did it

Angel: What look for carter might be her singel and her cd this come out this week Jive brough out yeah call us.

Jive:Was waiting for Moonlight went come home

Nick: Listen Moonlight new cd

Lima:Was mad because didn't like her cd. I am Sorry this kind music don't need for now bye Jive

Moonlight: I home now hey Jive what wrong look this got today. Moonlight look it. These song not Lima and Dera This from (Pepsi Blue book all our song in it)

Jive:We email her staying don't need your music

Moonlight: Pepsi going piss ass

Pepsi: walk in herad (Moonlight stay)Piss of what Lima our songs had blue book when miss

Lima: we going backpay Moonlight and Her friend

End Sence 1 Act 4

ACT 1, SCENE 5-* Moonlight And Pepsi Fine out Both Having Baby*

Pepsi:Were you I worry sick

Moonlight: Rocamoce dinner with Howie yesterday

Pepsi: Again

Moonlight yeah think about it

Pepsi:You Had Sex

Moonlight:yeah you okay I fine

Pepsi:Doing take too doctorMoonlight: okay going sleep

Pepsi: ask time want to go anything

Piper: Was down stair with David

Pepsi:hey howie see I taking Moonlight the Doctor

Howie: okay why think we might prenany ohhh

Pepsi: You Promise won't tell Nick

Howie yes I promsie okay:)

Moonlight: we going now okay

Pepsi: sure

Moonlight: okay good

Pepsi: went see long we had wait you uo next

Moonlight: We up next okay

Nursre:Pepsi and Moonlight

Doctor came see us

Doctor: ask what promblm can we both take prencany test

Moonlight: I am sickspell all this month

Doctor: here go

Moonlight: took test first

Pepsi: took test after

<[>Doctor: will good new both Precnany Moonlight 4 week prenancy

Pepsi: this week precany

Moonlight: How tell howie

Pepsi:Howie alright know

Moonlight: thank Peps

Nick: Watching tv with guys

Moonlight: Call Nick And Howie

Nick: Can this wait this movie

Moonlight No it Can be after the movie on dvd

Nick Yeah

Moonlight: Put it on pause

Nick: let good howie

Howie: wonderful about

Moonlight: We have to wait Peps

Nick okay

Pepsi can in the kitchen

Moonlight: I when doctor I feel sick

Howie: okay

Moonlight: I am pernacy

Howie:how was surpiers

Moonlight: so not mad no

Nick: why have be here

Pepsi: couldn"t t tell him

Moonlight: Be right back Pepsi come on I will tell for you

Pepsi: thank Moon

Moonlight: your my bestfriends

Pepis:I know thank you

Nick: was talk to howie go be father you know have bring Moonlight on tour.

Moonlight cool and Pepsi nick

Nick: what??

Moonlight Pepsi Prencany too

Nick: Going be father were pepsi

Moonlight: Peps we srcary

Nick: okay were she in my room

Moonlight: so feel try

Howie: Want take your room yeah

Nick: came in yeah

pepsi: sure

Nick: hey be there you don't be srcaryed want came watch movie

Pepsi: yeah sure Moonlight will her for me.

Nick:okay and you are coming on tour with us

Moonlight: I Change mind I want watched the Movie

Hoewie oh okayNick: come on let go watched movie

Lima:went in her car drive around

Moonlight:ask howie can you get my Blanket and my pillow

Howie: Sure

Lima: Was upset what happen with JIve

Dera: What go to do

Lima:I don't know

Dera:I saw Moonlight and Pepsi the doctor today

Lima:you know why went to the doctor

Dera: I Don't know

Moonlight: So try

Howie:knob on the door

Nick:anwser the door Hey Howie

Howie:Moonlight this blanket and her pillow


Pepsi: How is Moonlight

Howie:She look try

Pepsi: yeah your baby be frist she 4 week perncay

Howie okay

Lima: going fine out tonight

Dera:okay this the doctor

:Lima going break in

Lima:let go now

Dera-:use rock break the windor

Lima:look for Moonlight and Pepsi charted

Dera:I Fine them

Lima:Look Moonlight Prencey

Dera:Soo is Pepsi

Lima: okay so Both Prenacy

Dera:What are you going to do

Lima:Going waited for awhlie

Dera-:Oh okay say

Moonlight:thank you

Howie: your welcome

Nick:bri put the movie back on

Moonlight:How are feel Peps

Pepsi:I doing fine and Tell every one tomrrow

Moonlight: okay thanks

Lima: we do something bad

Dera: Good

Lima: they won't know it

Moonlight:fall asleep

End Sence 1 Act 5

*Act 2 Sence 1 Going The Movie With Friends*

Moonlight:Hey Pepsi let go

Pepsi: Okay

Moonlight:Ask Nick And howie to drive them to the doctor there check is today.

Moonlight: was 2 month now

Pepsi: was 2 month too Now

Nick: Was geting realy let go howie wwe taking girl doctor.

howie: ok Im finish

Pepsi: Wearing Blue dress

Moonlight wearing Purplish dream litte rose on it

Howie: I drive okay

Nick: Come too went how is baby doing there

Brian: was sleeping Vaniness is coming too

Aj: Lock door hide is us. Lianna is coming to yeah

Vegas: being come about noon okay

Kevin: Was happy is girl was coming

Moonlight: was in the car

Pepsi: taking moonlight about party to at her house

Nick: we are here okay

Moonlight: Hi here my doctor is Pepsi

Nurse: Get your room now

Moonlight: Let go pepsi wait here okay Nick and Howie

Doctor:Moonlight and Pepsi Baby doing fine okay

Pepis thanks

Moonlight went go home is try

Pepsi: Let go Nick and Howie

Moonlight: went in the car Howie was help her and did Nick to Pepsi

Pepsi:Try too>

Moonlight we are home got you car slow

Pepsi: going be now so Moonlight okayAj: went back to see

Nick: got some blanket the space room around Peppi and one two Moonlight thanks/p>

Pepsi: can some drink orango juice

Moonlight: ask get some Apple Juice sure

Nick Come with there drink howie be a mintues going the arlm on okay

Howie: is today or tomrow?.

Moonlight: Friday

Howie okay

Moonlight two day way

Nick: eveyone went back to bed

Moonlight woke up i had to the bathroom she went the kicthen she is saw Lima and Dera

Lima was talking to Dera

Moonlight: turn the arlm off open the door bit heard the said

Dera:What going to do went going make have a car acttied

Lima: that what we going too do

Moonlight tape it

Lima and Dera don't know moonlight was there could see them her because the frence is to hight see

Nick: was the open moolignt be quite

Moonlight lease Lima and dera here you

Nick: Oh I am sorry

Dera: here bus

Moonlight: Nick believe going to

Nick: What want her our baby

Moonlight me and Pepis a car actanited

Nick: was ispiss off that they not going hurt

Moonlight okay going back be And tape too

Nick That good Very smart

Moonlight:fell asleep howie Chest

Nick: kiss pepsi and pepsi turn on him

Piper: David down stair there sleeping

Moonlight heard phone

Nick got for her is Moolight she is sleeping who this Amanda

Amanda ask don't bring stuff over moonlight sometime this week

Nick okay sure

Amanda I working tonight over after work yeah sure can

Nick good bye her

Amanda thank Nick and she don't live alone Lima and dera I sacry do this thing to me or Moonlight.

Nick: I under stand see tonight bye

Moonlight Woke she could sleep more.

Pepsi was writing New story really it

Moonlight Hey Pepsi Howie tell me in shower

Pepsi Okay:)

Piper We should have the party in 2week beasue in my birthday

Moonlight okay Pipe we could to that

Pepsi:We all went the movie

Ends Sence Act 1 Sence 1

Act 2 And Sence 2

Moomlight:"When to talking docotor"

Pepsi:When with Moonlight

Moonlight: I have pointed and Pepsi

nurse:take a sit

Moonlight reading book

Nurse docotre see botth you now

Doctore: hello, Moonlight and Pepsi

Moonlight waiting read

Docotr: moonlight alright there go new both have twin

Moonlight "twin"

Pepsi hey hone today have twin really cool

Moonlight I am too she said

Howie: listn machince

Moonlight: Play it

Message on message

Message one-hello, Moonlight heard preagbn that true....-Lima

Message two-Helll, hesard preagon how pregent fast her waged broke with me other day don't know why stay why don't stuff gone do where th anks- Derma

Message Three-Hello, It's Lima again one friend at ofice it's pregant Pepsi shouldn't have nicek my guys stolen't from me....-Lima

Message four-Does, Aj still going Sara I know to knwo thnaks, -Derma

Message Five-Hello, this Lima and Derma when not okay Pepsi my nice not your andAj dump girl not, for me not Sara what ever name is okay want tell Pepsi nice my guys not her and, I know thanks-Lima and Derma

Moonlight:I'm alright then

Pepsi:Laughingg my ass off

Nick:Laughing for?

Moonlight:Lima and Derma

Chris: What want again

Waged:derma where for why left her.

End Act 2 and Sence 2

Act 2 and Secend 3-Lima and Derma Pass-Coming Soon