Writtne Vera-Anne
Sara in room reading book stop write stories hey Jade home early yeah I know was work good busy today yeah it's yeah Liya and Chris are coming over tonight, and angelina Lima did ask got letter in mail don't know never check for shopping then going out my friend's she said alright she siad Letter, andlook everyone look letter for you alright knock hello, Sara here alright bye mintues sorry didn't knock threw front read yeah i know got mail everyone Lima was there wasn't happy.
hello, use in group sing but having good cool alright song want, send song out but this alright maybe in and, then 2 week pick, song never want in never there and outrage but move one becasue think and I know then somone but and be money Limasong and sound to like people and I know don't kno w like this ong song call me, think name of song should pick lima song wasn't great throught but, I know think Liya realygoosd singer think werid sound me think so go group kick out group...thanks, Myra...
I'm Sara wasn't no kick out this rude mean lie's then Secret's is out Liya really upset I know throught good Chris was mad I know LimaAngelina not her sorry forgot call letter phone hey Angelina just about yeah shit letter I know fro Myra think shoud kick head somethign like I know worry about I know going alright talked later byeSara do over my house tonight yeah can't Lima plan with Mrya but call, when how say tell saything else... make sabout group I know doing best friend about her I know don't really think But worry it I know Liya mad about Lima can't wait tell Liya and Sara Myra her tonight moring about 5am left early I know how have shower Mrya waked she said wasn't there call Lima didn't else in shower get ready for work phone hi Lima why time left 5am getting shower andwork goinn gpw Mrya throught off today don't know why tell yesterday talked later..I'm Lima hey Liya need you Sara alone alrightb efine alright she said when home knockSara pretty good, and Jade, Angelina Chris need Mrya bad think about she said, want Liya group good singer didn't lile voice I know song, Call me somone like picture no, Call me alright good song but maybe spot this song send mall here I know guys record company she said Mrya come yeah I know left message me, I know Mrya know do want see record me here alright.
Dear group, Really like song reallygoossong, yeah this make guys here tonight 7pm, tonight guys meetiing 7pm I know alright I know everyone be when going letter yesh, Raver, I know hello, guys sing I know Liya in front Sara and Jade sign like Liya soul part come sing pretty I know Myra post sing stew up bit alright throuight back guysalright Mrya post sing part Lima Mrya have yelled me shesaid alright what ever Lima mad her everyone Sara mad Mrya everyone. Call back didn't got becasue mrya so who, phoen, ask Sara never got what not fair I know yeah Mrya thanks, alot mrya what do she said never got becasue you I know she siad, I know not fault she said Everyone left I know Sara upset Mrya after night, Liya really upset I know about night secret is out Mrya want Liya her in group and, I know every one night think about day..
6month Sara after think alot Chris band meeting alright friendp lay night bad new Chris alright then bad new sis alright tell that alright I know alright Everyone sorry about think up few 6month last alright Mrya inmporent yes sorry no more band what more band mean break up going away;s sorry about nice go Mrya I know yeah Sara sure this Liya love sing I know can't like people's her my best friend only give hugs Mrya leavint oh Mrya yeah I know give song want then other together keeping alright good day,, Everyone differnt way Lima, talking Sara understand why Mrya didn't stand mean this happen Lima freak out one day when mail letter out yeah leave talking about Lima. I know good now alright Lima send copy in Mrya mail box left Everyone different way no Secret is out, when out everyone still hang out, next Day alway be new right Liya when didn't can bussue sing still friendship...
The End