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~Chapter 1 Crystal Light~

Writeny By Vera-Anne

~Chapter 1 Crystal Light~

Layia" brought new house chris was happy look around wait for Sara and rose come here alright then look around okay come plan never who it own never about other world alright come hello there angel said she said yes not dream no my who, are you Layia fine them alright more going on said Sara "who people house this house my house okay alright going on don't know" Layia whem wall excasme yes question this crystal life yes is okay why ask okay picture remember picture Storm give me excasuem Storm wow okay on he said come her yeah I know okay friend alright back okay alright Storm okay some here girl her check out alright she said alright come one right there hello,there she said hello, said again excaume me girl turn Storm wow okay Quenn storm said Layia doing here Chris yeah I know rose and Sara okay brought house didn't you yes okay I knew getting sorry yelled like picture come over here okay that Blue ligth and Purple light okay alright then talked all angel come have meeting alright come alright it Storm want nice my friend over alright Purple light okay Layia around like it and Layia friend too nice person my friend said Redlight okay friend human hello, there demon okay said orange show alright hello Azmon doing not dead no alright Layia here ask yes she said alright Layia Chris and Rose and Sara other Derma worry about her deal with alright show please help them alright Queen Storm alright then show around come this way alright come wow cool, alright getting alright step okay show Blue light walked around hello, there Purple light who girl this Layia say alright okay Queen Storm cool, yeah she said I know Queen Storm told about place look around war she said excase me I know about sad show picture okay of really when young okay teenage still have picture cool alright call Storm okay fine me show around cool, okay alright Sara and Rose Chris meeting show okay get anyw time okay friend Storm so knoe Blue Dasri yes okay I know miss then Blue in hopstial yeah there hopstial aparent like crap. It's alright then thanks alright turn see around will alright thank roomates said Storm add didn't mine fine with Storm why have romates ask Derma because want there yeah said rose yeah alright hello, roomates alright sid girl come girl wow pretty alright yeah very pretty wow other girls wow pretty cool guy to hello, there hi sorry my cloud hello, there hi my Chris Layia Rose and Sara that Derma alright then is Cullum and Shahsa alright flash okay alright then reid Jermery alright thanks, alrigh wow hots great 4 more coming said Cullum to Storm thanks let show mom alright hello, there Layia hi alright very room ready sid Raven alright thanks alright here sorry later Derck Green and Jay-Leigh Ray alright okay "hello there said hi Cullum hi Layia doing good wow big house alright finish want lay down see my dad tell what do okay head hurting again still nevse damages suck excaue me hello, Shasha this Layia how okay "Shasha Layia nevese damage still wow 5 yes alright wow okay crap okay to people my mind come back know work hot plate yes best resturant ever Jermery love okay it cool, okay alright room done need sleep hello Cullum doing angel give Rose and Sara tour cool. I'm Layia fell good idea up 5am yeah I know I'm alright fine roomates girl alright said Reid alright fine wake sorry about said Reid really having girl roomating okay Cullum alright Derck hello Layia dereck wear my ring okay never take off okay said Jermery how honey alright Jade alright he said Jade okay living with my house burn really like house okay yeah some roomates alright then Derck come over my bed not ready be mine want have nap come sure thanks, like new blanket thanks when sleep "when on point so cute Sara Derck Sara sorry so cute together wow sleep okay yeah Layia breath like okay breath test I know talking amitha didn't not Derck breathe yeah alright." Looking around think angel fellow Layia want does in after in alright wow there 6 month going great I know. "I'm Angel was very want more then okay watch them"