Lavia "talking firned Sara alright hot ex boyfriend, Dreamer wow okay damith ot okay so Angel, sara like it home come, Angel, and Dreame girl come sara see felling them alright hi Sara Bluelight purplelinght doing come alright meeting Dreamer and Angel, come A Wind Day"
"A Wind Day want be speical remmember answet our world wow Angel,darklight doing today good okay alright sorft Angel, hello, Angel, what name my Yellow light he said sorry alright aid colorlight come walked alright sound said Darklight alright maybe alway sound hey neve evil alrght there angel's alright hot, wow kay check out yeah look sorry good alway watch night I'm sorry A Wind day said Lavia alright hi Rose girl come jade, angel brother okay alrgiht cool, want city wow okay wow redo thsis party yeah alright okay alrigt fellow okay wheno out party nice here see okay" look around wow okay fell okay ecasne me shoud careful, alright triying carried alright then didn't say face alrght sign okay people fell who are don't know throught with you no not said excasm me turn"
Lavia "I', need back something wrong alright who, coming alright Yellowlight excasme Angel, and Dreamer doing here I'm Angel, and dreamr felling us, alright want Lavia when siad derma okay like excasue me come se us come, Angel, and Dreamer show Lavia go alright wow okay pretty alright there go Angel ,said sara felling us do point derma laright then see Dreamer over wow okay what happen, wow hobbr cried said Drerma Lavia lori doestory jolous turn queen mother work with evil what mother evil turn okay didn't quenn owow okay nice, here was nice alright shower okay come picture alright look like hello, lavia king River kign? siad Dreamer never told dad alright sorry ring other guys Darklight back with yes will come gius pleace seee alright okay come okay to bad use magice said Sra magic? said Bluelight king river so can magic oh throught that said Purlpe dong where reporsd power wow alright hello Sister come I'm alright Sara can vera tried going there alright then"
Lavia alright vera dress wear change clothes said River yes Kivng River call my king yes laright then yes did okay alright Reden, yes okay sis said ZIenk in this world Dad king our not okay noone about can't tell anyuthing about this world okay lost, got when harry lab up blow up alriht I know talking about said my mother in coma still from blow up okay Harry plan< day alright vera nice crown alright okay here my going okay my crown thanks alright i'm Lavia yes okay need alright okay helping Angel thanks going okay Lavia alright fine wow okay Wow nice crown yes lavia thaksa lright like clothes said Reden this come here okay alway wow okay livng sis stuff yeah come in time from derma okay afte yelling no reaosn think Rez mad okay rez be me said Levin telling his best friend who can't date? which one said Zienk Oh Dreamer oh becasue me okay not going anymore, I'm bitch so what happen going okay Lavia go Sencery sid ANgel, go scare best friend, here, want hime yeah do okay said Angel, scrac best friend alright didn't know home Reden all dragon have hre to okay show tehre world in Crystial Light excuase me said lin Crystal Light yes Angel world wow okay pretty alright vera mage, work brand alright isad River alrih then"
Lavia show wow okay want going think come in alrigh then I;m whinkd, almost night wow pretty should back no over night bring alright Chris night okay crown like it okay cool, alright Dreamer alright Lavia Dreamer hand thaks alright he said how side alright something wrong with dreamer said Derma yeah shout said Zienk Dreamer safe my life wow who life safe Dreamer wow was there got shout there sadi Zienk oh really didn't undercoving then wow cool think dreamer have girlfriend no don't do eigher said Zienk have girl sara alrgiht yes alright girl alright okay show go back out Said Lavia alright then my wow okay think around shoulder think going close said derma holding said Zeink Rez excasme Rez nd Zienk alright yes so like place nice plan eat here wow okay look same alright hey Scare Lavia
"Night Over,everyon having fun alway got alot that day A Wind Over"