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Love Angel

this about Bluelight want family

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Writen by Vera-Anne

Blue light wife in room iv in her how she said River she weak posion fro father give her..

"He love for he going strong", oh tried Blue ligh stay with her he said

"Power for wife going strong when down stay never pregant oh becasue weak pison oh and change, and love is Angel love power ful no one break for power oh it's oh the life child for make famly"

Bluelight, left now day in weak to right, heart break best friend with alway he said call when off in right need go right, oh right threw up right, oh down river clean up for oh 5 mintues t hrew up 5 mintues

Smoate hurt she love, fot her grow up oh oh check, Gala? think pregant what? oh don't know show tommrow don't tell Bluyelight yet hope we want baby so heard right bLue, light blue flowes like you smile rest kiss oh oh didn't heart oh next day.

Jump up down right oh wow huge she said grash right, River pregant do 5 day Have angel baby have soon think right, look for day and day come baby oh so cute, and need best friend call, right Gala right fifht happy famil there angel love come growp strongerM/p<

"Angel love is Power"...

Copyright Vera-Anne 2007