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~*Chapter 2 After The Cocret*~Coming Soon
~Chapter 3*Sara Birthday Speical*~Coming Soon~
~*Chapter 4Nick NightMare*~Coming Soon~

Nick "Sitting reading newpaper there hotel okay off awhile want stay here in like here"hey Brian up "yep good sleep great movie yesterday like sceam have said Howie bring rush"

Aj come out great Shower okay voice okay Kent alright okay didn't here okay alright be fine alright Check siad Keivn walked people talking alright then when okay guess next door said Kent Siena fire okay alright okay hello,no open acent great no open yet okay tonight Siena Sara and Rose I know suck okay alright I know wish found someone backstreet boys kick ass okay yeah I know love it yeah I know alright then Kenk knock hello, mrs Richardson call me Kevin alright okay yeah do have any concret no last stop why ask some need open okay act some cancel on today this now okay alright guys open act tonight alright sure said Brian yes will alright then Siena hi Kent good open acent do backstreet boys excasue me okay backstreet boys cool thanks kent alright here room oh way okay alright have shower first coming want meeting then

Siena knock hello, there Kevin hi there maybe help you I hi Siean fire being open act okay okay really cool, Nick freak out if was when brian cool, come in rose okay coming later with my friends other cool, okay alright Aj nice meeting Howie okay hello, happy hope home soon okay alright then stay over dinner alright go tonight okay open acent okay alright then okay hello, cool, Sara okay big fan love wow like love never gone kevin thank smile her okay alright Nick walked in there hey okay guys alright then okay weird nevse siena said alright clam beath said Howie hello, there said Bryan this thaks open for me okay Nick close said Eyes alright open okay Howie brian talking I'm girl anyway girl okay hello, there hey Nick Howeie dinneralright okay alright time start 7pm okay oh okay 4 hrs alright Nick stand talking brian alright then sing song yes okay doesn;t matter song alright then

Hello, Nick said Siena I'm siena fire okay alright back okay have auoge there go nick open for her coool, he said alright finish dinner,alright Rose there hey here Sara cool, okay alright in cool have supper yeah Howie ask over okay alright then okay siena in site alriht then okay hello, everyone doing said concret we good okay wait open okay 5 guys here yesterday night okay cool, welcome backstreet boys scream okay yeah finish alright very read for Siena fire yes will come hey hello, okay sing okay hello, new sing brand cd comng 3 weeked home don't tell me okay alright then