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This is a true story of how a bus full of Backstreet Boys fans won a chance to see the Backstreet Boys in Grand Forks. Written by Laura VC


It started in February of 2001 when a friend of mine by the name Tammy called me in the early morning to inform me that she had won tickets to see the Backstreet Boys. Thinking she was joking with me, I laughed and said, "yeah right, how?"

"No, I'm serious, I just won them off Hot 103."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, do you want to come?"

I was like, "Hell yeah!"

So we got a ride to where the bus was parked and we took our seats. Nobody on the bus was really thrilled by this, and I was the only one howling, "Yeah!! We're going to see the Backstreet Boys!" which earned us a pretty mean editorial in the Winnipeg Sun, but I won't get into that because this is a happy story.

So I'll get on with the happy. We headed to the arena and were given 14th row seats which, believe it or not, are pretty good seats. The concert was wild and almsot all the songs from Black and Blue were performed. Absolutely amazing was all I could say when the show had ended.

I'm no traveler, but this was a nice bus ride with great people who with some of my influence began really acting like the fans they were. I had fun, my friend had fun, good songs were played, the guys looked hot and it was probably their best performance to date.
