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Welcome Christmas Reading Place

Christmas Time..

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Christmas, time give I'm Zienk look gift oh crap give in really Lian alright give heavy morning hi vera wow time like wrap paper live think this...

thanks, you welcome everyone parent, wow gift in think what happen okay host Davis today help bug Zienk help kick gift... Alright to Rez from Vera..

open cool card cute like alright wow like nice thanks Vera tried it like check wow want swearter sor fair, got don't know one didn't what talking bitched Rez gang sweart what so dont l;ike Rez gang look my gang shit where vera got from ask shopping yeah

Chritmas, time everyone open laught pray and trucked dinner everyone wonder ful time..

Thank Then End...


Christmas Story..

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christmas images

Writer vera-anne

Everyone having laughter hang out and I'm gift Chris open from vera

open Cried so ppretty Chris love it okay hey put it one I know give in don't know 6 in don't know from I know then I know alright Chris vera writer this vera write Chris alright nice Zienk like love neckace there.. thanks alright gold 14k Shock..

Life everyone this alright Zienk sorry this from name was in yeah thanks alright

Rez sorry open thaknk love it okay heart open specal brother

store time alone in place everyine love this some evil desotry after harry lab city lost ever..

no about it place call Crystal life true Angel world pretty horrblme evil dostorey.. break heart cried Rez thanks love gife thanks alright thank Dreamer lovee it gift the Christmas story

Then End

Copy Vera-Anne


5 More Christmas

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christmas images

Written Vera-Anne

Almost, christmas eve day Amerila wraping, Chris gift 5 more day Christmas eve Chris open one gift on Christmas eve if want

Alright Everyone good after alright Chris hidig, something from me,wrap Christmas alright be fine 5 more day christmas ever yeah I know.

"Night fall"