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Written by JohnnyS


I was a young sorceress that didn’t want to grow any older. I liked my long, blond hair and blue eyes with no wrinkles; I didn’t want that to change. I had tried so hard to find the right spell or potion. Either one would work to keep my youth. I had searched everywhere only to find that my Aunt Stone had what I was looking for. So here was what I did.

I went to my Aunt’s house and saw her working in the garden. I walked up to her. “Hi Aunt Stone,” I greeted.

“Don’t scare me like that,” she exclaimed. “You almost gave me a heart attack!”

“I’m sorry,” I said

“Just kidding,” she laughed. “You do know that I have to power of premonition,” she reminded me, and winked at me; well at least I thought it was a wink. It was very suspicious.

“I know that you have lots of powers,” I muttered bitterly.

“I wanted to ask you something,” she started in.

“What?” I replied

“I’m going away for a few days. Can you watch the house for me so no one breaks in?”

“Sure!” I answered happily. If she were gone it would give me the time to steal the potion and the spell. “So, when are you leaving?”

“In a little while; lets have some tea first.” I was so happy. Finally, I was close to fulfilling my dream of not aging anymore.

I followed her into the house and we sat down at her kitchen table. “How do you like your tea?”

“I want three teaspoons and a little milk,” I replied.

The tea was short as I wanted it to be with little conversation and afterwards she lifted from her seat and grabbed her packed bag from the chair beside her. “I will see you in a few days, Tristar,” she said with a wave and quickly left with the door closing behind her.

I ran to the window and watched until her car was completely out of sight. “Now I can find the spell and the potion,” I laughed. “Where should I look first?” And thought about the living room because my aunt was never good at hiding things. I quickly found my way in there and saw a small, odd, looking bottle lying beside the fireplace. “Is that it?” I wondered aloud. I walked closer to the bottle, but I had been disappointed. “No,” I wined “It’s the wrong potion, this is the cleaning potion.” Maybe it was in the kitchen. I walked in there next to find big pots that were only used to make the potion. I tied my hair back, “this could get messy,” I said. I walked over to the first pot and opened the lid. Nothing was in there, than I checked another and another to find nothing. With my impatience at the boiling point I got so mad that I released an electric blue bolt of razor sharp energy. It hit a secret drawer that was hidden in the side of the breadbox. “AT LAST!” I screamed in victory, raced to the drawer and reached inside. I pulled out the potion just as my aunt stalked into the kitchen with a slight grin of warning on her face.

I wasn’t going to wait for her to chastise so I popped the lid off the bottle and drank. In that moment I started to shrivel with age right in front of her. SHE HAD SWITCHED THE POTION.