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The Cold

Written Vera-Anne

Chapter 1 Lela Suagers

"Winter come Lela say her seft"

"Hey Lela doing Pretty Cera see later"

Lela "walked cold coffee"

"Latter Saw, guy like "

"Heart fast cold in didn't Say look"

"my best friend look hi Chris, doing

"Bro I'm good he Smile at her"

"Look on my best friend,cute she said"

"It's Cold day Chris anything why just me

"Saw Cera tonight yeah know forgot some need work."

"Just Shirt in wow hot, guys tonight she said"

"I'm Chris coffe over sure in sorry guy get work

wait just sister just here work double shirt"

"going book in reading"

"how weather cold in wind bit up, I'm like coffe please sure

"sorry clean thanks alright in doing work"

"Lela read stuff compture in alright wind guys waitng, anything let oh she said let coffee waiter yeah coffe give Chris tell sister alright chris sorry forgot, tell alright then Lela, so hi doing Cera talking sister come work todat alright on time in cold there yeah tell about it?" I'm coffe good, lela, in alright then work in hey Lela here sure Cera hi Lela hi Jin doing pretty Cera in alone where yesterday hope in room alright just tell gong leave note alright home in room throught check foud when weh my room alright, I know work school, thing, oh guys in make sorry in class tonight there lela hin assteina thanks, going tommrow, don't know when can back soon alright then, here not shchool her hi lela doing "hi, doing tday pretty good", Chris take doctor don't know 4pm tommrow 9:45am alrigh sire hi guys doing pretty in did pillow one car Chris in car in why pillow lela back on thank on back in look in pain alright lela Saria my back just hurting, my teacher sister guys alright hi, lela in want give teacher sure in here thaks Lela talking so much Chris in pain yeah yeah fine, I know"

"I'm lela going felled in started, sugeurt in on Saria, where Chris in need now, alright Saria someting lelaalright in then in Cera Saria get boss knock hi Cera need Chris now alroght just in just fine", In alrightn in talking Cera in sure then alright wow Chris, in knock in what shirt okay sister threw up, think check after in he said I'm like shiert chris thaks birthday alright lela, in bathroom guys hey Cera are we busy doing ask question white stuff Lela mouth really alright thank, in alright Cera sorry in thanks alright in need pad run out she saidalright going storie hi Saria Chris store sister meadation go head in alrigh thank alright out mintues left in lela

Lela, sit down look bad, Chris back yet ask tall guy no she said let in office make feel, take boss give some took that lay down, over worry Lela suager come over in blanket sleep, In Chris sister suager got, in bad car in hit, drunk drive alright worry, hey dad come sure in sleeping feel look much thanks

Ps more come soon work chapter this week hope new stories