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Evil World

Evil World Book 1


This about Mari saw how Parent got murder She won’t say who kill them and Shairka Mari’s Siter Doesn’t know She heard die her Car Crash. Best Daniel helping dealing her parent death his parent was Liaha Sister Nasha and Dimord her father they everyone them Expect One them. Mari get Vision I everyone Daniel Brother Ash know vison are and helping out clam her vison. Cusion Kaci really upset really like them who want kill them. Right Sharika believe they die in Car Crash.

Rose and Alex Mari and Sharika best friend Daniel is Happy then good friend school Daniel. Clay is Daniel Best Friend.How the past come back to her who kill parent want kill her And kill her sister.

Chapter 1 Remmeber Parents

Mari few past what her parent going be Daniel friend at hot plate tonight Sharika was getting really for tonight “Mari were light blue Daniel for her birthday last year. Really nice she know he miss Harry Potter. Sharika finish going later. Rose and Alex going meet us there.”

Okay give few Minutes okay Mari said to her. Took Mari car tonight Sharika car in shop getting mix. We got hot Plate Daniel was there already with best friend clay.

“I’m sorry Daniel said Mari taking long so were best friend right here.”

Tall green eye blonde Hi took breath. I my is Mari and my Clay Aiken. Nice meet you. “Keep thing here checked the back. I had be only staff only back Daniel I know that I keep the sign up there myself”. Daniel know only a Manage do the Daniel yeah I m the Manage Hot Plate. Look in shook you didn’t know that Daniel Know I didn’t okay. Love my restaurant in Dream.

“Sharika come sorry see what Alex and Rose coming. Shariaka please daniel didn’t know was the Manage her. Oh Dear sharika said.”

Mari and back see how is was doing was n’t there. For 2 day was very sick with the cold. Plus want go on hoilday need it.