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Rose when work hard veian watch her hawk going job, I know afer sara oh Excasue me rose hi Veian hi sare you pretty pretty she said, oh wow lost saw dont know vera redo again yes burn down oh trash oh shesai, oh see show back outside, oh Sara right okay I know veian so I know Sara Rose ye sdo oh right thanks she said, oh just wonder right shesaid

Rose come flower to Rose for lover alway oh Jade oh vera siting hi rose jade bring Rose yes flowers pretty excasueme jade yes got, rose. prety shesaid yes

Jade rose chery up how work not good veian not allow sara legal her oh really didn't say thinkg that no, watch hawk tried do anyone, not dance oh becasue good we dancer's told Reden not allow dance don't know see this room oh do my seft oh ask Sara room dance help don't know thanks flower's make happy right thanks, oh right Veian upset jade oh kiss oh right to get room hard maybe would okay room oh meeting something think some bed okay tried it okay taking diner today I know oh love much..

flower happen.. Ik now veian don;tk now didn't see riht jade hi excasue me veian need talking jade coe soemthing wrong she said I know, yes i know me so told my girl my not allow talked somone didn't say thiat lie okay she siad, oh not sara was oh I know alone legal didnt; know saything watch like hawk, make sure work oh talking jade think oh clam Jade bro, I koow so crap reden and Rose can't dance room think better us not better right never mind Jade oh going out cool, oh great ide acvlltty cool Jade life oh in in room I know oh rose yeah Jade didnt know tel me look Veian like look right okay soi tried nice oh prey oh think oh wow okay pretty do oh soryr on for tonight yesh aclltty oh oh oh right jacket oh right okay 10 mitues, drrs going okay oh nice okay now dinner just oh 7pm walked stuff in lieft in when outide jade my suv okay over there don;t know found place for walked righto kay jade oh suv excasue me jade here no, yes jade was sweart room no, oh rose, when here okay not herj ade oh call oh hello, oh jade suv look tell, oh oh talking suv bug couldn't find again sorry oh look out our best friends..

tell, are you thanks oh 25 mintus bye

I'm jade kiss oh didnt' excasue me? flashing eyes

jade oh excasue me hi rose oh with jade oh going with hange sorry, no didn't left not becasue veian bitch layed wow jade swesart sorry I know feeling okay I know think Know everyone vera, oh Iknow, fight with derma in house doesnt' vera derma there okay Long sdtore check slasher out like no, think good for oh oh derma still going okaycrap oh wrost talking Sara alot okay Amerila 5 bank visa vera i know other girls okay think derma oh make, sure girls left Jessica didn't know there oh right after oh someting Amerila hurt her no, oh Azan going compture, oh vidoe bad no reason

I'm after oh maybe what super come super he said oh Derma doing don'tk nwo didnt' no okay think stole money becasue doesn't work for it okay Rose oh I know era post becasue injurty back oh day hurt okay blood bad oh come oh right bad Zela cried Riken saw vera bad prety

thanks flowers room

Dinner time,place oh oh hide okay right okay hello, there like do no thanks, oh river vera, in there like cofee hi vera pretty today oh meeting somone here shesaid oh need talking me some alone right okay,I know coffe oh oh here coffe oh oh thanks

hi vera hi dreamer oh wow nice tonight okay rigt vera pretty today oh rose vera talkexcasue me hi vera there hi dreamer rose, pretty mis oh yes Sara and Amerila jessica most oh heard posting back okay Sara told yes oh rose oh jade come oh come right okay cool, oh being pretty oh me come ask vera see you again see hi dreamer big grpu Azan and Zonla group hot, guy so who hot side you hot guy oh right very hot jade mad yes hot oh Rose and vera not hot Jade wow boyfriend heard vera miss you much see you room live room oh yeah sure okay jade room block flash didnt know dreamer can't oh see later rose pretty dreamer think

moe coming soon