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This store is about Derma want Lima say good best friedn never say becasue told can't do anythuing tell what do but lima didn't listen Derma...

Writte By Vera-Anne 2006

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The Store...

Derma, talking is Sara alrihting, so inporement mom say say to 7pm Lima look everyone eyesd look Sara Rose and Cree. hey Chris, doing pretty good going here.. tried her I'm chris got off work so what point going talked

Derma bitch eveyrone alright fight tried how yelloed no reason up Sara call Derma bad name never did when this yesterday moring never saw yesterday moruing on person yesterday Angelina. "After day find cool then started something laster after Chris fine, alright everyone have fun when mall movie watch back no what happen.."

Lima woth boyfriend, with love much but.. Derma saw them together, geting married everyone started Family.. I'm alrightt kiss her alright Derma anything tyhat night Lima when home Derma, left meesssage thanks Mom

Hello, Derma there sorry going call late in bed alright call later.. Anyone call me Lima told in bed later school see at school.... alright thank's

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Chapter 2 night

Night fell Derma want talked lima but wasn't home when best friend Cree Chris Angelina, Sara and Rose that night, boyfriend this boyfriend kevin nice meeting you thanks alright Night going pretty today yeah flower cute......

Derma waiting for 2 hrs phone call no call home hi today the ring hey Derma call today mom where home timr 5:30pm nom wasn;t in go where mom after school got home Lima with you need talked can talked tommrow really tried just back movie and walking around alright then can't come with mother today yeah I know

"I'm think Derma want talked about in Lima Love boyfriend so much love"...

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Chapter 3 The Talked

hi Lima after talked inprivted alright sure she said what school., Lima fun with Cree yeah I know other friend Kera come hey guys call mother when yeah with Cree come over yeah sure.. she siad..

See after school Angelina hey girl dong pretty good art claass everyone foind draw that really good thanks alright eveyrone stuff make subject more pass okay book let with it anything paiting want will mark grade good alright talking Derma after over yeah Cree ehy honey suck down, New york City home soo love mom Dad speice person meeting you love you mom. Mom dad suck yeah sad yeah miss Chris.. I know with mother yeah true gett better...

"The Talked" With Derma

Alright make supper now Derma left in kitchen make stuff when going no where she said going out stuff doo today alright then Alright after supper Lima had shower let in gooing bed now, alright took cell phone hello Cree ti's Chris can cal 1 hrs pick can with guys me Derma big alright pleas 1 hrs sure alright then thanks bye

Reading yeah work study now 1rs there Derma sound derma sleepingwait bring with tommrowalright Chris, alright go back home alright that call me tommrow class moring in after do that bye in Lima will hello, Kevin doing prety over Cree not mad no coruse callty something, tommrow love too today not mad best friend bbye sleeping

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Chapter 4 move out

Derma see after school yeah sure didn;t have school alright meeting morning over move thanks stay sorry busy say you... horrbl;em Kevin move yeah with Chris help sruff move man my house yeah I know how mom doing good heard still suck there. Alright then when my mom call message hi mom lima please call Cree house thanks or cell phone left note no yeah I know out own alright... "I know Lima so what happy Kevin with wow look guy wow Know good, something tell don't know hi Kevin, doing today pretty Chris my friend over really alright Chris want dinner don't know"..

Knock door hi Chris there yeah wow who hot guys Sara look I'm girl look me Kevin hi Lima doing pretty good hug Hi Cree doing pretty I know him yeah work in resaturnt cool alright never there knock hi Kera Lima Derma look for reallyu mad something Lima alright Derma mad good told me something didn't like it...

Cree Derma not allow Kevin why Kevin sweet guys love him nothing saything alrigh then worry.. I know break from Derma hang with friend do my life..

Knock Need Lima sure in outside hi Derma wher stuff in need time from you alright why me living mother call mother, hello Daughter Cree home got message live wow hello, Cree fave she said stay awhile come with back Chris alright get everyone no call friend hello, Cree do dad work call work that hello, River please sure River come address not fist hit this do alright River sleeping Sorry Wendy think stay I know..

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Chapter 5 Frezzing

Winter Coming soon yeah tell about it Winter Derma not lima talking all this weee in School nice not outside Kera she said told not kevin sweet guy at house alot help mom dad her still not here so there calright how mom alright then saw yesterday come home 5 day's after been out not busy in not home come over Kera home alone, yeah I know alright

Winter is coming soon fetlt hi Lima derma nice school nice in batthrom bitch me.. alright then worry it thank.

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Chapter 6-10 coming soon thanks hope like it


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