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Found Out

this,storiy is, Vera's best friend Amerila and in there new speieicl new help with guys case with helping then sovle it it

Write by Vera-Anne

Copyright Vera-Anne 2007

Quote "What Lufe Leave You have to Sovled Myserty life"Charter Aleis Lighted


Chapter 1 Amerila Birtday...

Hey Vera pretty good, see later yeah come resaturnt later sure Sara meeting stuff do today tell happy birthday Amerila thanks get give twon get there alright sure I know when people line wasn't AzanMyserty messager...

Alexis*~"What Life Leave you myserty to solved" Hello bug pretty good. :)

Azan sorry this Azan in school alright use compture becas river cant prombem and on stymser doesn't mind...

Alexies, hello who this sorry werid promblem don't know if found river:)

Azan thisVera, hi Alexis

Alexis HiVera prety good, today?'

Alexies good, heard

Vera Azan alright use tablab

Alexis that good.. her

Vera: few stuff run paper I know o yeah ,save on cimpture, ti;te What happen 7 girl tilte right.. please send me it.

Alexie: Oh think one guys didn't save didn't knwowrost throught that your

Vera Arite tried in paper inforemnt Darla, oh she said emmay in Storm poplar group?

Alexis:Emamery?he said, wow throught close

Vera:Darla upset one best friend found attack after what happe nDerasi?

Alexis:One day after serious

Vera not joking never life stuff.

Alexis: serious..

Vera, picture want picture I know..

Alexis see them

Vera: think how layde Derai attack after oh knew whath appen Purpple?

Alexis something puprle

vera She leve pople group got awhile 1 years baby is born

Aliex oh talking my best friend

Vera: she attack

ALexis what? attack head think about one doctor baby never seuver..

Vera shit lit she baby 2 day twin cute. look hushandalot

Alexis, cute look see her tel lgood new

Vera who told be live lie

Aleix, yeah throught big lie...

Verayeah noictire grow biger and biget

Alexis yeah true?

Vera 6 other attack I kno my storieds abpu the n whath appen do care..

Alexis I care run stories, found it ask friend send run..

Vera yeah help case

Alexis it'sCase

Vera: wow paretet cool,

Alexis talking my parter it

Vera: yeah I know sad know believe storm abou it everyone right?

Alexis yeah how s torm doesnt' know..


Art:hello up?

vera hey art how school heard you guari class same time? that heard really heard??

Art: yes did don't kn ow why

vera becasie what soem cloud-skyandCj class?

Alexiesdome thin whath oane Cj class?

Art best firend, ove her

Vera Cj class got cancel and did cloud sky class other peiople dont' know who./

Art what cancel

Alexis my son one Cj class

Vera CK call never cancel ariver yellow take over bexaue wist now arm

Alexis much pain?

Art what happen Arm

Vera hit drunk dirver

Art suck ass

vera to after suver wist

Alexis I know talking about

Art suck acllty

Vera shout after then attack

Alex who attack

Vera Cj did dear?

Alex, suck yeah why arm hurting

veram y friend come 5pm tonight talk store

Art wel my clas good


Guari What up..

Vera hi Guari sorry heard sme time

Guair how Heard that

Vera jessie mystick right

Guari yeah did san that

Vera: yeah I know

Art mystick ?

vera I know sa.lly father is can't isyeah I know

Art how knowt hat

veracall me

Art doing find hope

Veracase good, and didn't place big party coming home soon



Art well wating train

Vera what time tome come

Art 20 mintues

Vera: 20 mintues hope see yahoooo miss, you

Art thans tyou miss vera

Vera believe gir;ls Art bad new tell you

Alex no bd news

Art heard tel me

Vera: sorry Azan house burn some never told believe she never improembt

Art coruse.. improment so

Guari make tell

Art yeah

Art realy

Alex 3 other hosue desotyr

Vera:Azan yellow may agura no that houss speoica friend with alex, and flex

Alexis oh know Flex and Alex

Vera yes my car blue,.

Art cool, how doing prety

Vera dong pretty good

Art good heard

Vera: sorry go now get Amerila gift

Art oh Amerila birthday hope

Guari suck Angel not home for Amerila

Art:yeah I know

Vera clltty we on trian

Art cool,

Guari for train first early.

Art: yeah suck

Vera: might

Art talke nice you..

Vera bye

Alexi bue Vera

veralfe compture when gift show vera lift shirt yeah I knoiw hello, waiting hi can help you like pay few wow pretty like neck alright yeah lik my ring cool alright river ring like just yeah purple yes yeah does yeah River group never about if did group aclltty cook yeah total yeah in visa nice, yeah I know thanks alright yeah cool please back right stop ask, teach yes girl move back yeah bring you come here can't my frind come shy, I know pleace hello guys wow in yeah in yeah first talking, Kristiaa group teacher ticked what oh ticked this pass give keep yeah i know for everyone can give wow sure, don't know did free yeah Art yeah I know my class alright coming yeah Hi Art good hey Vera, yeah some guys gas yeah be find big group hello every back her welcometrain be tour gudie everyone give pass tour and talked safre everyone girl talked teacher want make list group people in too vera find, I know show around yeah gas yeah wow good, some town look around 1 day becasue help some people's good need help yeah do Guari, coming going bathroom aclltty one there bathrom train yeah I know show bathroom alright today EXcasue me yes get resautrnt not allow there yeah werid Amerila back knock wow hi there hi Vera prety why Amerila can't in here no, make supser birthday party some gas yeah cool know found maybe I know Amerila check amnail's maybe good guysalright beliee Amerial maybe check Amani;ls Excasie me have anam sure alrightrEveryonw guide back now alright around fellow in front come hang out under her meeting morning yeah need get down yea like clean yeah help with yeah what time just pend how feel morning yeah if can't walked anyone thing lay bed yeah dizzle, don't know just pend feel like zienk head hurting doingany thing yeah right I knowChris headace yeah dont anything yeah yes my son what mater room yeah I know show room alright yeah then doing Guari Art help yeah when this like room yeah maybe class ask some guys meeting too close, then I know alrigh cool, yeah talking post ask Cj move please we help you give tour oh alright now yeah tour later time 3 pm enjoyd want what going here hi Storm wonder, turn can't read hand writing, wow yeah good new need stregant in think Amerial 5am yeah wow, same time where Amerla was 4am woek started 5am wow Amerila 5 work day resaurnt took can't make susper birthday cool Amerila birthday cool girl everyone invited think some fun think fastion show tonight cool, add fastion guys work for class yeah find love fastion okay with sale really town cool yeah Alright yeah move alright over place Storm meeting place yeah cool like that yeah name, something quited place like that thanks good Vera..

Hello ,Vera pretty good so hushand guess really alway hang out with River his parntednameAleis about my dad wowclam sorry alright son chating with today River lan top run test doesnt' work compture oh werid, found yeah I know cool nice, alway cool wow my dad nice person understand River promblem my lab top oh color tabl purple sivler cool alright I know talking alright don't know read Azan email get should there last check 689 un message crap yeah need threw Azan look yeah other big, enjoyed hello there hi Sara my group sure. alright then wow yeah then wow pretty when wow stage on guys dance, off girl;'s think dance off other come people siting Angel Chris yes meeting readn 5pm need talked guiys be fun time think time off class yeah fine, good Art Anmail along yeah very long yeah write alot stuff down yeah I know good

After tour everyone fun tonihght


Chapter 2 speical News

Sally getitng threw up 2 mintues talke pregant test Amerila yeah sure knock come who, hi Vera pretty good doing some pregant test me, so slept some didn't know yet morning who, is tell promise, freak promiuse I know him tell t.k geting back you guess alright knock come going brteher get out yeah I know 10 guys line her alright Sally alright what pegant yeah why didn't alright finish yeah going t.k back bed not yeah geting knock door got hi guys, back sleep told Art don't know yeah Vera, yeah in hi help make snack hurry alright yeah cool find look hey make fruit use threw ouf yeah in yeah sure, I know cooking yeah oh Art class don't know ask see guys back bed hurry I know Guari talked alone sure, get hi Guari Vera see you thanks do Art class don't know idea hello Vera, see me tell yes some Sally think second father her aw sweet in Sall preagnat worry all who father, good, yeah i know look good still alright hurry really hurry snack, see later, oh V era do father Jesise, oh didn't know worry help Sally out baby see happy for help too, he said, thanls understand.

Knock got who, be hi there guys thanks guys food guys want drink's bring, have milke plase store for milke room cool add yesterday good, yeah like good Sally is yeah back threw knock hi Vera talked yeah brother told Gauri what vera what happen feel second fatther going help told fatehr who was yeah coruse sleeping Jessie, up yeah hey Jessie Saaly alone alright bathroom alrighthi Jessie need talking alright about I'm told maybe knoc bathroom in mintues, I'm pregant she said what pregant month are don;t know ask Vera knewn ever otld Guari help is feel Guari second me aw sweet yeah talking him alright wonder is don't vera told him agree wonde,r Vera tell father person tell good new yeah knock new good alright Sally wow didn't see this hi sall and Jessie what going here, what don't know what vera anyone me jessie, think thought shock in mean, Shock milk yeah guys mean need class milked shick why girl;s joulous, wow Jessie sally going out, what hong going alway awhile after 1 years acllty moring yeah that good Sally pregant Gauri happy wasnt father I know guys hi dad not Art have class alright need Art rest yeah agree fun trip take off yeah I know heard guys milk thanks store going mile have store shopping firgha one allway rumoe tell Everyone rumore what Sally is pregant what preagne Guari all happy really Sally second father aw sweet yeah I know wow worry girl joulous wasn't here when got not joulous guys wonder father not joulous, knock come in hi stay kick out, room why dont know becasue, why saw tape ssaw Alex saw tape post upset about it take people dont' know wnat like guys moring what hape ngirl's found girl some Amerila mean doing yeah worry took cell phone poof down yeah have bigo. I'm hello call number hello, yes hello, hi Alex, need talking okay about it's tell Amerila brother's now yeah sure who Vera hi, Vera Alex, tell see never mind bye you guys Angel over please 2 mintues hurt alrightk nock guys vera show, over now yeah then okay place something yeah guys yellow daugher what rumor, Angel, tell some feel yeah what rime sister not pretty enoguht woild date then okay what mak Chris, Dawn make then feel found upset yeah was found tell Yellow feel rumor believe herad good one, Derma lie Zienk telling Rayen boyfriend Angeo di Rayen after yeah here guys this turn yeah Amerial yeah made fuck think doing yeah really stpp wow reallly going happen Angel don;t know think with girl in this today very mad, yeah found today did yeah first not time did Tex jwewl push Amerila was in pain after shout yeah my sister shout shout bothe, other people yeah alright then yeah Amerila chest baller nothing post elesact...