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Act 2 Sence 3

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Dreamer:in kitchen make breakfaull

Reden: date laura good

Dreamer: so it what

Reden: didn't think really good ro awhile

dreamer:fix kitchen

Maria: walked hall on back so cold

Reden sorry

maria: my kitchen ruin

Dreamer help clothes

maria: be fine

Dreamer:help you

Maria need wash hair want shower towel

Dreamer alright clothes on bed

Maria: had showerM

Cj: what happen kitchen

Reden:clean it

Dreamer help not fault

Reden my fault think didn' laura

laura: need help

Maria: where stuff put

deamer: tried hair for you

Reden:kiss laura

Dreamer: neeed get room

Reden maybe will alright

Dreamer happy you

Maria: wow never saw beofe

Dreamer: hand over yes

Maria: hey so fair watch kiss

Dreamer:alright to

Reden make breakfast

Maria is kisser

Laura: oh yeah smie

Reden: walked gigles laughiter so what funny over nothin girl talked

maria: Dreamer are so bad

Knock door hey laura

Amanda: need talked bother

Maria alright then

Dreamer here Maria

Amanda: talking do boyfriend

Laura: do Naomi tell bitch

Amanda: have date tonight and want tell naom if her mad me

Johnny Amanda here boyfriend down stiar

Amanda: talking stop

Maria: hi thereAmanda: stop that

Maria: Amanda about it

Johnny alright tool break no girl want sorry cancel date need help downstairs

Amanda: honey wow

Maria: Wow worry Naomi

Knock door got come in meghan

meghan: can over night here yeah sure

Amanda: saw naomi no didn't

Meghan think felowing me where go

Maria: walking good

Dreamer breakfast

Maria: look good

Dreamer:read letter no

Maria after breakfast

Reden: going clean

Laura: page down stair 3 time

River alright busy

Maria: hi ocean

Ocean: hey Maria "how are you"

Maria: I'm good

Amanda: know my boyfriend

maria: throught was before didn't say

Amanda cool

Reden: brother cool

Dreamer need site now

River: my son alright much