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I Love Him

Written By: Vera-Anne

I had guy

Love me but

Hurt me never

Want with me hang

most of his friends

Does want phone

Me any He

Broke up in school with

Teacher I got upset

For long time

He hurt me so mad

Then two days after

Had a new girlfriends

He was cheating on

Me Why some guys

Are jerks

Why did broke up me

Really me mine

how need to

group act

his age now

Think is strong

He this need to

Grow up Why did broke

up with me for

How Don’t Want do anything now

Don’t hang out

Out of my Life

Don’t want see him any more

Any more In My life

Don’t want remember him

anymore about

Don’t want remember good time we had

Dont wan see him anymore

please want go away 4ever

he hurt badly

After we broke up

He had new girlfriend He was chesting on

I Love Him

Copyright Vera-Anne 2001