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Myspace, Myspace Graphics, Myspace Backgrounds

This about that Chris final ask girlfriend going about 8 years ask married her didspeical and day and and in storied, going fight, with people trip forgot Cassa was really that T.K and Dreamer in girlfriennd much love then triple wedding

Writtn Vera-Anne

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Chapter 1 Love

Chris litter bag found going give see so much, and in found people where going bag meet best friend hello, Chris, going prettyg good.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

In love

wriitne Vera-Anne

"In love"

"His breaking"

"heart is with fill"

"Love in love"

"hoping day"

"really in love"

"Speical girl in love"

copyright Vera-Anne 2007

Chris alright look out it today yeah found happy see Kelly to about Klyen him hello guys didn't heard, having meeting we break alright yeah everyone meeting food cournt cool, stay over acrosee street be friend cool Jessie, miss Kelly and Klyen cute, yeah I know lile miss my best friend's Guari cool, yeah see Harruy Farm Place okay yeah alright

Chris eyes look around part give wow Chris spend, no Angel need help with yeahI know alright Angel not her damit he said hello, Chris, meeting jewel place in food cournt yeah in jewel nice place stuff bad new get something stuff form shoping callKelly andKlyen come shopping cool alright fun not have class Art think time adsk long meeting yeah heard don'tk need break Anamail alot writing really think plan goind before tell over night cool brought now alright bye. hello Kelly hey shopping with me yea hsure new jewel place cool food cournt check hour yeah bring stuff people's found over night right cool, yeah Jessie talking later now show bye Amerila want shopping cool vera going shopping rtihgt yeah throught think Kelly invite people be hey kelly being new jewel place, how wow my friend don't know one friend ask shopping over don't mind yeah like coruse time want have don't know home actoo girl;s yeah

Kelly yeah alright then when mall in jewel check hrs good idea doing that yeha Kelly doing pretty dong fine, wow hello Kelly guys in wow like place guys wow sorryvera bathrom Hey guys pretty Kellyu and Klyen, come over check hey Klyen pretty good vera come out sorry brother people alright sorry later right kelly here cool and hey Klyen pretyt good hey Klyen sorry why kelly forgot post off work throught ere yeah just 2 mintues hey Klyen hi Amerila pretty girl';s hang with yeah be find Angel" need help" goind ring kind Angel thik enaged ring yeah I know Angel throught of in yeah there hi Chris pretty good today help with yeah some ring

to my love she life, and ever neve stop her"

right over yes do this for Chris, yeah inyeah ring well dress with it work with ring sure in dress and and yeah pretty love it yeah nice yeah like to look dress necklace love it okay pretty and yeah the give like hope on pretty chris thanks alright sale yeah 50.59 wow not sale yeahI know spend most up, going 100 if dome yeah jewel not spend geting my wife time, I know yeah guys going suv wow creay speical yeah T.K hi there help yeah like this ring pretty do my love, yeah cool and speical yeah my girlfriend cool didnt have girlfriend yeah sure sweet yeah i know yeah yeah dress with yeah dreamer guys doing shopping hang out Hey kelly and klyen pretty goo,d miss guys "wish here think come chery Vera really depredsd back home vera anwer look work find, yeah Klyen depress after yeah. wow hre thanksa lright going suve back Chris got my girlfriend hiw she doping pretty good Dreamer and vera going no knewl ove give have this one sure dressa with yeah sure cool to my love alway dreamer yes love yeah I know yeah in yeah give fogot T.kAnd Chris yeah part yeah Hello guys welcome jewel store no yeah contest next how meeting break shopp[ing yeah rest tommrow yeah"

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

River love

Writenny Vera-Anne

River love

hoping counting does

pasion love

River love

Days over it

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Chapter 2 Supers

Chris had secret girlfriend no Dreamer had you forgot give brought Chris thanks jewe new place contesdt name wow for awhile got hi Chrs pretty good, yeah wow never awhile good, how head good not calss awhile meeting art take off Anmail write more really didn't fort tell, best friend feel will coming trip what didn;'t about now never alright yeah I know then girls ticked yeah in had out, most where got ticked guys yeah everyone ticked going who yes does ticked not going girl one oh yeah packing when home yeah back stuff yeah in alright ticked yesh did okaya lright Zienk come over yeah hey Zienk coming home 5 mintues sure for hjey Zienk yeah sorrry forgot tell going hoilday Anail write more yeah much alot yeah I know alright hey Zienk readygo need get out here, I know Cassa work forgot her alright ticked alright yeah take about me later head 7pm yeah Tex working yeah alright yeah working new jewel wow yeah cool concet best name storiecool Zienk there Kelly worry yeah pick best friend alright then see trip vera,fun yeah hi Rez call tonight where get yeah girlfriend talking some about good new know girlfriend going best friend, yeah shesaid cool

Cassa no home aroose got thank Vera, hi do any everyone when no home locked come hi Cassa yeah pretty good everuone 5 almost hrs left alright yeah who have ticket's when no, then right believe when with me not worry over night think going yeah going alone vera guything Cassa come hi no locked come hi Kristina pretty good come hi Cassa here yeah left me what yeahIknow not fair yeah one yeah hurry don't know hello, so girlthing yeah sure last fun never be one yeah I know yeah

"Why left Cassa never left before or maybe don't know get it"

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Behind Love

Writtne Vera-Anne

Behind love

Showing me

Loving it

holdingbut love

alway here..

behind love

Copyright Vera-Anne

Cassa girl sutf no loud alright yeah not girl stuff yeah hurry no Sara yeah I'm too say alright guys want sure guys whant supper don't know talking girls how was longer Kristina can Chris hide something from One guys not yet are not to to fight married coupe

"Love girl do belive sorry didn't come chris hide something tell later" : 2,000 Graphics and Pics
Graphics & Layouts

Order out yeah pizzayeah roder from yeah box get 4 kind diffrent eat thing alright vera alright hello welcome Gauri hi howare pretty good need order 4 troaal,4 classie pein 4 chicken amd 4 beef toace 4 all chesse sure, yeah threw bread suff and cincer 4 and or breadetr 76.90 visa number yeah add 1451 yes right 1 hrs or much all yeah Speical trocal pizza night thanks hey some order Harry Farm pizza really hey Gauri order make harry place dexllic hame piple 4 alright good wonder found pizza

"tomaoteham yeah sure alright bring help last order any for tonight yeah other people hello, guys pretty good wrking yeah yep busy tonight yeah I know need help delvier Harry Farm place cool looktop thank hopues no promblem he said.

"Broguht coming bring Guari thanks alright visa alrght yeah good yeah I know then"

Chris look amerila look Amerila 2 hrs here not yeah got this in yeah knock got hey dad pretty good need girl call anyone yeah Vera call hi Gauri here mycard yeah signso call in yeah not yeah wow along pizza guess yeah in cool smell good alrigt then vera thans for busy no yeah look yeah good idea vera yeah like back bring Tropial place sure see 2 mintues yeah wow tried got exta wow good pizza later everyoine happy going later me later Vera alright sure

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Amerila got from Chris T,k girlfriend Sally sit Jessie we talking later yeah Sure alright then guys pizza get tried are going bed now alright

Later that night Dreamer, and in room vera window knock lcass door hi Dreamer talking vera alone mind Dreamer her going veram eeting Chris alright yeah : 2,000 Graphics and Pics
Graphics & Layouts

Love me

Writtne Vera-Anne

love me

Hodling day

Some love me

for who really love me

look for this

hold me

looking hope

Love me

Vera with Dreamer kiss place yeah got yeah sound Sara locked yeah over "like place over wow pretty make diner coruse make diner" : 2,000 Graphics and Pics
Graphics & Layouts

Breaking A heart

Written By Vera-Anne

Light slashing, around room

Crying for hours what wrong

hope answer life, think heart in half

Days, think hope have answer.Breaking A heart

Light slashing aroind room

no wait for answer

Pleasr think hope day tried over

Heart beet fast you around the world

Breaking Heart

Copyright Vera-Anne 2006

Dinner was great she said later night yeah pretty come prety yeah Vera miss you kiss yoy her yeah will married me yes will married miss ring wow, pretty read in read cried, alright kiss passion

After moon light takke back knock Sara got hi Vera doing out if yeah going bed yeah me tookAmerila look moring : 2,000 Graphics and Pics
Graphics & Layouts

Chapter 3 big News

Sally happy good wow See need talking yeah hello, Sara Angel see want yeah fogot give something yeah open pretty like wow Angel give this wedding ring yes,ask married you yes angel love kiss wow like it

thank didn't hand new will married yes will much better good moring Chris, in kitchen talking pubice today,Chris alright so cute together hiSara yeahAmerila gues what alright tell something yeah Cassa yeah alright yeah fine miss honey vera good picture boyfrienddoes yeah and yeah good Sara look Angel give, me wow pretty ask Married look Chris damit good good shit damit big Vera hang back going Cassy wow big dimard girl look Kane not where yeah sure I know.

Wow hand big diamord saw, ask married yes aclltty Kane ask married him frew day yes do ring yeah I know wear okay

What think love it okay wedding alot more then think alright yeah later guys hang with girlfriend Dreamer vera talking Chris look sister what goig ask guys don't know think let alone kiss wow moring then friend yeah knew going out dimpard what diaromd yeah

Chris look tried hi Chris can want see diamrod alright yeah like one give Amerila show me you cool I know jnew love hi Dreamer wow going din't goint awhile didn't wow shock, wow look domad more wedding Cassay enagher cooo happy hey picture my honey yeah phote book look at good

Chapter 4 the photo's

What think Kane wow cute then old 15 and wow this wow damit wow goof picture thanks look tried,look threw yeah picture made you Kane heard Night and Kristia not oging no why alright come show after yeah know alright

moring Chapter 4 coming soon