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Story Of Moth

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Night Fall

this stories werid stuff coming night

"there myserty here"

In leaving where falling leaving wiping, winder edge in moring, see didn't stuff alway time Night falling and in dream throught Kiurma sleeping final lok window leavuing werid wasn't felling before

In night leaving falling day not so werid right hey guys in room cold Kiurma sleeping Cira, oh yeah she said good night

Next day moring people's out side woere wow, and look diffrent wow clean oh Kirurma found crystal necklace around neck River had wow oh Crysal necklace found over oh River other oh alot over oh no, gift from Storm, Crystal Necklace oh sleeping like one pector girl, over hi there Storm ctyaling, leaving oh more oh pretty one, stong oh oh yeah crying, oh wake oh right Kiurma

more coming soon thansn tel me think of stories, so far::) Vera-Anne