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Chapter 3 Runing Free

Chapter 3

Mother look for Dree and Star now. When Kandace lelf the her mother started put some creams around the castle. Star feeling bit better. Carter was sleep now try get up she couldn't do that yet he woke up what wrong want a shower okay. I will help you up Carter here he caught her not ready have shower this to weak.But want wash my hair all driter I wash hair you okay come one. Went they bathroom her sit here for mintes okay geting the water try come got her keep you clother on new on after can sit she did. Shampoo in her hair. Carter fine washing her be back this get a towel. Help Star up put the towel around her. There you go thank. Put this on can help get dress okay. Put the towel around her

Star saw blue eyes thinking to her self want kiss him so bad now. Carter black t-Shirt.

Star couldn't anymore she kiss on the lips passionly kiss. Carter was in shock star was blushing no one kiss like that. No girl that me not cute. Star not cute you the hot guys every saw Star was feel better from cut her sister gave her and Carter came in. He help her up take easy Star okay. This going the bath room. knob on ther door Askrick anwser it It's was Kanadace again It's Invition to her party. Okay close the door that was closet say Dree was in the kicten. Kanadace having party tonigh she is Star saids yeah Don't worry. the day Star had plan got idea what let them think we are dead idea

Arskrick Carter and Angel okay that will work. Make the pics we went on the computer went pic okay us this pictures and fix it a bit after Dree saw hope this were yeah will Star. We finish we are going who stand home I said Carter I home with them. I have a name you know.Dree kiss Angel goodbye. See a bitter alway call my cell. okay bye

Carter hey don't were Star hopeful will work thank Carter and Star it was work I my mother think be dead