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my words

I'm love Halloween like dress up and, cool like love buying candy my friend hang out buys everyone go home big candy page

I'm love halloween have like hang with friend, cool fun watch scared movie hang big party cool:)

Halloween, the name applied to the evening of October 31, preceding the Christian feast of Hallowmas, Allhallows, or All Saints' Day. The observances connected with Halloween are thought to have originated among the ancient Druids who believed that on that evening, Saman, the lord of the dead, called forth hosts of evil spirits. The Druids customarily lit great fires on Halloween, apparently for the purpose of warding off all these spirits. Among the ancient Celts, Halloween was the last evening of the year and was regarded as a propitious time for examining the portents of the future. The Celts also believed that the spirits of the dead revisited their earthly homes on that evening

After the Romans conquered Britain, they added to Halloween features of the Roman harvest festival held on November 1 in honour of Pomona, goddess of the fruits of trees. The Celtic tradition of lighting fires on Halloween survived until modern times in Scotland, Wales and Scunthorpe, and the concept of ghosts and witches is still common to all Halloween observances. Traces of the Roman harvest festival survive in the custom, prevalent in both the United States and Great Britain, of playing games involving fruit, such as ducking for apples in a tub of water. Of similar origin is the use of hollowed-out pumpkins carved to resemble grotesque faces and lit by candles placed inside.

I am a Wiccan and I was a bit sad when I read your History of Halloween. Samhain was not a god of death, its a Celtic holiday in which the veils between the two worlds was believed to be its thinnest. During this time the Celts would try to contact their dead relatives or friends. There was nothing evil or Satanic about Samhain for there was no Devil or God in the Celtic religions.I appreciate though how you said the Celts/ Druids themselves were not evil. Thank you

The Jack-o-lantern custom probably comes from Irish folklore. As the tale is told, a man named Jack, who was notorious as a drunkard and trickster, tricked Satan into climbing a tree. Jack then carved an image of a cross in the tree's trunk, trapping the devil up the tree. Jack made a deal with the devil that, if he would never tempt him again, he would promise to let him down the tree.

According to the folk tale, after Jack died, he was denied entrance to Heaven because of his evil ways, but he was also denied access to Hell because he had tricked the devil. Instead, the devil gave him a single ember to light his way through the frigid darkness. The ember was placed inside a hollowed-out turnip to keep it glowing longer.

The Irish used turnips as their "Jack's lanterns" originally. But when the immigrants came to America, they found that pumpkins were far more plentiful than turnips. So the Jack-O-Lantern in America was a hollowed-out pumpkin, lit with an ember.

Halloween has grown out of rituals of the Celts celebrating a new year, from Medieval prayer rituals of Europeans, and the Irish legend of Jack O'Lantern

What not friend being, mean think not be friend mean it'ssome on does want be friend just left in there say sorry can't be friend with anymore good on life then tried becasue friend told them hurt us very much why should friend with then think not fair perosn's make hurting you any think not friend really other reason not be friend

Hello, everyone really sorry didn't update for 2 years just being busy write my store and write new one right yeah I updated June 27 2005 hope like it thanks for being my fans come check my site out hope enjoyed my work there bring new layout coming soon keep as for now thanks every much sorry didn't updated now can and be more links coming this site bring write news stories right now as finish one them alright right now no name yes some write up on site check it thanks Vera-Anne if any question email blowyournind and picture_girl21@hotmail thanks Vera-Anne There new store coming soon think start my City of Angel story and Crystal was write one took break one tha alright there new one write have name yet I know sorry took long about now back up this my site alright new harry potter and the golet of fire come out nov 18 2005 and Backstreet boys are tour cananda I heard have 8 days I'm one Winnipeg and Vanouver BC all know alright now keep post ticket not sale on for Winnipeg keep post it thanks Vera-Anne:)June 30 2005 Hello, there when Backgreet boys have there tour 8 canadian dates post dated soon thanks New One July 11 2005 Hello Everyone 4 more days Harry Potter Can't wait for it wow love Harry Potter wicked book.!!

-Beige Beige represents the basics, the essentials and the barest form. It may also indicate your neutral or unbiased position.Black-Black symbolizes the unknown, unconscious, danger, mystery, darkness, death, mourning, hate or malice.

If the feeling in the dream is one of joy, blackness could imply hidden spirituality and divine qualities.

To dream in black and white, suggests that you need to be more objective in formulating your decisions. You may be a little too unyielding in your thought process and thus need to find some sort of balance between two opposing views. Consider the views and opinions of others. Alternatively, black and white dreams is a sign of depression or sadness. You may feel that there is not enough excitement in your life.

Blue-Blue represents truth, wisdom, heaven, eternity, devotion, tranquility, loyalty and openness. The presence of this color in your dream, may symbolize your spiritual guide and your optimism of the future. You have clarity of mind.

Depending on the context of your dream, the color blue may also be a metaphor of "being blue" and feeling sad.

Brown-Brown denotes worldliness, practicality, domestic and physical comfort, conservatism, and a materialistic character. Brown also represents the ground and earth.

Burgundy-To see the color burgundy in your dream, symbolizes wealth, success, and prosperity. It is indicative of your potential power.

Fuchsia-The color fuchsia represents your connection to your spirituality and meditation. You are letting go of old attitudes and ready for change. This color is also associated with emotional stability.

Gold-The golden color reflects your spiritual rewards, richness, refinement and enhancement of your surroundings.

Green-Green signifies a positive change, good health, growth, healing, hope, vigor, vitality, peace, and serenity. Green is also symbolic of your strive to gain recognition and establish your independence. Money, wealth and jealousy are often associated with this color.

Dark green indicates materialism, cheating, deceit, and/or difficulties with sharing. You need to balance between your masculine and feminine attributes.

Gray-Gray indicates fear, fright, depression, ill health, ambivalence and confusion. You may feel emotionally distant or detached.

Hot Pink-The appearance of hot pink color in your dream, represents sex and lust.

Indigo-Indigo implies spirituality and divine protection. It may also mean deceit.

Ivory-The color ivory, signifies superiority and slightly tainted purity.

Maroon-The color maroon is symbolic of courage, bravery, heroism, and strength.

Olive Green-The olive green color symbolizes natural wisdom and Zen. You need to achieve peace in your environment.

Orange-Orange denotes friendliness, courtesy, lively, sociability, and an out-going nature. You may want to expand your horizons and look into new interests.

Peach-Peach is the color of innocent love intermixed with wisdom.

Pink-Pink represents love, joy, sweetness, happiness, affection, kindness. Being in love or healing through love is also implied with this color.

Purple-Purple is indicative of devotion, healing abilities, loving, kindness, and compassion. It is also the color of royalty, high rank, and dignity.

Red-Red is an indication of raw energy, force, vigor, intense passion, aggression, power, courage and passion. The color red has deep emotional and spiritual connotations.

Red is also the color of danger, shame, sexual impulses and urges. Perhaps you need to stop and think about your actions.


Silver represents justice and purity. It is symbolic of some protective energy.


The color teal signifies trustworthiness, devotion and healing. It is also indicative of spiritual guidance and teacher.

Turquoise Turquoise is symbolic of healing power and natural energy. It is often associated with the sun, fire, and male power.

Violet Violet denotes high spirituality, religious aspiration, purification, affection, gentleness, charm, and peacefulness. There is a sense of intuitive understanding and a feeling of intimacy.

White- White represents purity, perfection, peace, innocence, dignity, cleanliness, awareness, and new beginnings. You may be experiencing a reawakening or have a fresh outlook on life. However, in Eastern cultures, white is associated with death and mourning.

Yellow-The color yellow has both positive and negative connotations. If the dream is a pleasant one, then the color yellow is symbolic of intellect, energy, agility, happiness, harmony, and wisdom. On the other hand, if the dream is an unpleasant one, then the color represents cowardice and sickness. You may have a fear or an inability to make a decision or take action. As a result, you are experiencing many setbacks">Dream Gate Dream Works

Please go this thanksVera-anne

Most dreamworkers agree, you need to be the authority on the meaning and value of your own dreams.

How then can one learn to interpret a dream? Well, O.K., we can give you some popular ways to interpret the meaning of a dream, but be sure to realize that different approaches and techniques produce different answers. Test all the answers and interpretations out against your own sense of truth.

How do I test the truth of an interpretation? One way is to use a set of test questions and not rely on just one:

1. Does the answer feel right?

2. Does the interpretation make sense?

3. Is there something useful I can do with this interpretation?

4. What would my mom or a truck driver have to say about this answer if I were to tell them?

weclome speical thing page hope like there more

coming soon

Januray 26 2006

NEWWêl¢ðmê m¥ ñêw §ï†ê lå¥ðµ†-Welcome My New Site Layout

NEWÇåll Öñ £rïêñЧ-Call on Friends

NEWM¥ rêåÐïñg þlå¢ê-My Reading Place


NEWKêêþ L𧆠þrïvê Älïvê Keep Lost Prive Alive

My Best friend Are Laura V.C Jade BZ Johnny S Jen C Rene Derck L Quinn S Christina Andrea-Myay Estbay iendfray Are lauraway Vcay. Adejay Bzay Ohnnyjay Say Enjay Cay Eneray Erckday Lay Innquay Say Istinachray Andreaway Latin

HI there how doing today-HÌ †hêrê hðw Ððïñg †ðÐå¥



Hello, every one welcome my site hope like it-Ellohay, everyway oneway elcomeway myay itesay opehay ikelay itway in latin

Best friend-ß꧆ £rïêñÐ

I Don't Want Talked You-Ì Ððñ'† wåñ† †ålkêÐ ¥ðµ

Love iS Powefull-Lðvê ̧ þðwêr£µll

Dream Girl-Ðrêåm Gïrl



Salior Moon-§åïlðr Mððñ



Elijah Wood-Èlïjåh WððÐ

Sean Astin-§êåñ ħ†ïñ

Dominic Monaghan-Ððmïñï¢ Mðñåghåñ

Billy Boyd-ßïll¥ ßð¥Ð

Orlando Bloom-ÖrlåñÐð ßlððm


Laura V.C-Låµrå V.Ç

Jade BZ-JåÐê ßZ

Johnny S-Jðhññ¥ §

Dragon- Ðrågðñ

Love Broken Lðvê ßrðkêñ

Acquiring the ability to interpret your dreams is a powerful tool. In analyzing your dreams, you can learn about your deep secrets and hidden feelings. No one is a better expert at interpreting your dreams than yourself. To guide you with your interpretation, we have interpreted over 3500 keywords and symbols in our ever expanding dream dictionary. These meanings are in no way the final say in what YOUR dream means, but will hopefully inspire you to explore and offer a suggestive starting point for understanding your own dreams. You can begin to associate your own means and lead to an understanding of your own dreams.

Every detail, even the most minute element in your dream is important and must be considered when analyzing your dreams. Look closely at the characters, animals, objects, places, emotions, and even color and numbers that are depicted in your dreams. This dictionary, along with your own personal experiences, will serve to guide you through a meaningful and personalized interpretation. With practice, you can gain an understanding of the hidden secrets your dreams are trying to tell you.

Dreams are more than random fragments spun from your waking life. Pay them proper respect and they will reward you with a greater understanding of yourself and your world as you see it. Why take an interest in your dreams? What could dreams possibly contain that would interest you, or have some value to you? The answer is simple really. Dreams are a part of your life. They are a self-expressing part of yourself, in a medium that is rich with experience on many levels which transcend ordinary existence.

Dreams are free, harmless and entertaining. They can be educational, emotional, or just plain fun. They open doors that go past the entertainment/fantasy section of your consciousness and embark on great spiritual journeys in your own psyche. And the only thing that holds you back is yourself. Since dreaming occurs whether you want it to or not, may as well take control of them and have some fun. You should never be frightened of dream content. No matter how sick, scary, twisted or demented a dream may appear, good lucid dream control techniques can instantly change unwanted dreams into something which gives you a good story to talk about in the morning.

Meaning of Dreams - What Dreams Are:

A series of thoughts, images or emotions occurring during sleep. Dreaming is a universal and powerful experience — all humans sleep, and all humans dream. Dreams can be fleeting fragments of images or entire complicated narratives unreeling like movies before the mind's eye. The visions can appear benign or soothing, or they can inspire heart-pounding terror. They can be peopled with friends and loved ones or commanded by horrifying monsters. Dreams can mimic reality or create a totally surreal environment. They can be clear and detailed or jumbled and confused. They may impart wisdom or knowledge, or they may leave the dreamer completely baffled by their content.

What are dreams? Where do they come from? And what significance, if any, do they hold for the dreamer's life? The variety of answers set forth to these questions over time reflects the values and the social and psychological structures of various cultures. Ancient peoples, among them the Egyptians and the Greeks, believed dreams were messages sent by the gods to sleeping minds. The father of modern psychiatry, Sigmund Freud, thought that dreams, created by the human brain, could serve as windows into the psyche, revealing a cache of wishes unfulfilled, and many of his followers today consider such visions to be a major tool in psychoanalysis.

On the other hand, some scientists have theorized that dreams are unnecessary bits of information being expunged nightly from a person's memory, just as a computer's files are cleaned of unwanted data. The ancients regarded sleep as a second life, a life in which the soul freed from the body was supposedly much more active than during the waking state. And researchers into the paranormal, in some ways echoing the ancients, believe dreams may have a psychic element, revealing the forces of destiny, the reality that is about to happen

*Happy Halloween*

Angel Place

~*I'm really Angel are real alway,dream about see look like cool, alright love it angel so cute, and stuff do really believe in Angel~*Vera-Anne~*

~*In angel look us alright watch have move make, angels alway aroiund help life and help got pain-Angel*~

~*What Angel, Do really mean Do think Really Believe this Stuff~*Vera-Anne~*