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Chapter 1 *Nick Carter Concert*

Written By Vera-Anne

One day Vera call up Lara see if sleep over. Because doing Harry Potter 3. coming soon Lara and Vera Hang

One Vera was getting Christian are coming to no I have get up early okay. Vera going now Christian see later bye. Vera was walk she saw a liom. I wonder who her today. this walk long. The saw Karen and Jonie. Hey Vera hi how are you doing we are sorry not being our friend you us so bad what you did. Leave me alone vera walk off dong lara House. They were follow her. Please stop follow me, then tall 6 feel guy stand be side Vera loud voice this her alone. Andera and Jonie here miss vera leave her alone. Karen and Jonie took off were srcay. Thanks no promblem Vera how did my name. Hey Nick alot go going contert to don't here up. Vera door on the door hey Lara. Sorry so long Andera and Jonie was buging me. Out nowhere this guy show up His Nick that it.

Vera was unpack tomorrow be year after parent die. It's was really hard now for her Love her parent. To Vera open this she the letter it was fron nick carter one the from the backstreet Boys. She started sreamed Lara and Blue running. What wrong we are doing nick carter tonight or tomorrow and backstage pass and saying nick 2 month hole months got be joke no. I am not he had my letter wrote to him 2 week. Let ne see the letter Lara read it to. Blue was wait we are doing What about harry potter still going that Lara say Vera. Vera say going have a nap Christian come over after work. okay Lara going have shower.

It only early morning Vera parent in car carsh year ago. Vera woke ask can have show be for you going. Nick Carter Contcert Lara what row first row. We this not Nick we can't last go be see Harry Potter Tomorrw. Vera was finsh her show. putting her. Lara and Blue getting ready.Vera Cell went off this. Vera getting weaing shining dress and Lara was wearing dark green shining dress. And Blue was wearing red shining dress. Lara door okay mom Lara went down stair. Hi Lara yeah is Vera yeah she put stair You got your letter from Nick yeah. Nick sent you and your friend a limo. Christian this got here. Can wait few minutes Vera brother okay. Christian was finish. Vera came dowm. Nick was waiting in limo Vera Lara and Blue And Vera brother too. Vera lara went first and Blue and Christian. Hey are got my letter why we problem about about concert tomorrow we had plan see harry Potter. Don't have Contcert Tomorrow. You guy going yeah cool go together tomorrow. Yeah bring my brother don't mine cool Aaron Carter.

Nick let took us to seat of this concert see after the show. Okay by Nick Is so nice Lara was happy can believe got our letter. Rene from 103 came one the stage are you ready for Nick Carter every one sreamed. Ready for the opening act who one him one the guy from than BackStreet Boys Here Howie Dorough. hello Winnipeg. Howie What Differnt Make You Beautiful, How Did Fall Love With You, And My Heart Say With You. Thank. Know this Guy my Best Friend Nick Carter. Help Me. I Stand For You , I Have To Cry Payback Heaven in your eyes, Love To Love. This song this fan wrote me touch me so This Song I Cry For You it from Vera-Anne. She sitting from room. I Vera started Cry Lara hug Vera. Nick Carter sing so beauiful Very Fan Love this go so much. After the Concert Lara Vera Blue and Christian when backstage Nick come out right for supper yeah this have wait Howie D. Nick were guy want to go. I don't Know going the other backstreet boys there. You want to the airport tonight pick my brother coming okay not here yet no.Vera thank for the song really like it. You Welcome Nick. So those girl bug you no why. I know them they try snek back stage.But the got cought my Boygruard. I Try Evey this Nick shocking you yeah won't live me alone. I know feel Nick wont leave us alone. Vera you them to left yeah course Vera not going hurt. and Your friend.Howie this finish. When to the Hot Plate Like my Resanert Vera Say Very One Nick was Shock this your restaurant yep. Cool Brian be behind Vera and Aj And Kevin. When All this down to eat Nick cell when off hello Hey Nick we now. this Call place come were we at the Hot Plate. Nick okay bye After Dinner when there hotel.