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Chapter 3 *Lara's Special Birthday Party*

Chapter 3 Lara's Birhday Spriast We going home we had fun today at Polar Park Lara enjoyed herself all went to out for supper. Nick and Howie were paying for supper okay thank again Nick and Howie. We Want to Dennie for supper Lara her choice. We eatting and talking Vera ask can put this in a dog bug thank. Nick pay with this cerit card. We Went the Liom went at back to the hotel there was big superst there. Vera and Blue in fist in the hotel Vera knock on the hey we here Lara coming.Lara close your eyes okay them close. Every one in Okay open your eyes. all my Cast Of Angel and Buffy. There was know at here door it's people play in Charmed thanks. Lara was crying so happy.

Thank Vera and Blue don't for get Christian Nick came out here ago thank Nick go Vera thanks. we had big party were danceing talke. Wow this ring love it.Thank Vera this talking with willow and tara heard going be a dog. Oh yeah this heard on Muchmusic saw tv. Heard thing like that. Happy Birthday to Lara happy birthday.Blow the Candles out. Lara a peresnt from Vera and Christian cool thanks for eveything. Hug her so happy now

Vera and Lara Christian Blue here go.this From Nick and Howie cool. Lara open her presnet first her and sister Blue got a jrecord deal with Jive. Thank Nick and Howie. Vera open here got a Record deal and Jive. Thank Christian cool Watch and swearter. Cool thank.

The party end Cast angel and Buffy took room up here they are staying for a while and plus Vera said Lara going the show goinf 10 epsonds with them cool.Liea call tell Karen won't leave her alone.Vera was talking to her. Want come down usa for 2 month yeah sure okay.took month work need them okay see tommorrow Liea okay bye

Vera we clean in the morning who was it Liea coming with us. okay cool yeah Karen won't leave only. pick tomorrow call her we get up going get read for be then watch tv for awhile.okay we watch a movie on tv this best party every thanks your welcome.